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John Grammaticus

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    Makita Jigsaw

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  1. Necroing this thread for a reason: Howto's and guides. So many times I was at work, doing some makeshift repair etc. and I thought to myself - wait a minute, I don't know how to do that do I? Googling stuff on your phone is a pain and a waste of time, I'd love to have a TIA app that would tell me instantly "Dude, you're using a wrong type of blade on your circular saw, teeth are too big you damn moron". You know, some basic hints and tricks for a certain type of job. Yeah, I know - a bloody massive amount of work writing that type of stuff and all, but I'm just giving an idea. I still remember how I had to figure out on the spot how to use a vernier caliper when the digital one went AWOL and I havent used vernier since elementary school. To this day there are numerous things that are obvious to people in specific trades but they're black magic when one is supposed to figure them out instantly on a jobsite. The only viable solution I see is a dedicated subforum "guides of the trades" where we could gather all of your experience which eventually could be compiled to an app form. Or maybe I'm overthinking it and "Dan's thought for the day" would be equaly viable option for boosting morale at work?
  2. Got a couple of them. From my experience and from my research online I'd say it's a top tier brand.
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