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Everything posted by ChrisK

  1. Sorry Kevin, I've had this one and currently have the Fuel without problem. Any chance the shaft of the blade exiting the knuckle is bent? That'd cause the blade to get jam Ed up. Also how long has the blade been in there? Any chance of rust? Maybe give a squirt of penetrating oil and let it sit for a while?
  2. Wow, looks like my Ego blasting away!
  3. Great job KWC! Funny that too....I'm doing in Fla visiting my parents with my wife and I was in the Lanai looking at one of his flower stands and I was telling him i, going to make Samantha a bench for the big garden we are making out front. The bench you made is really cool in that the way you laid out the seat slats are along the same idea what I've got. I'm going to make a base fame with curves to lie the planks on on edge and curve upwards. This bench you came up with is really modern and has great clean lines. I love the 45* angles and the use of dowels. Awesome job KWC and keep posting pics dude!
  4. hey guys, just so you know, we're heading to Florida to hang out with my parents and brothers family for the week so I'll check in every couple of days but will be a little absent for the week! Have a great week and be careful out there this weekend!
  5. Awesome! Now I can get a brushless hammer!!
  6. Wow Jason, sweet set up. I've got some asparagus coming up but that's it so far. Of course as I type this I'm sitting in front of my pellet stove keeping warm!
  7. And here's the unboxing video....
  8. Welcome to the forum Cliff! Glad to have you aboard sir!
  9. More, if you tag the upper right there is a box to follow the thread but I don't think (like I'm a tech guy right?) you can follow other people when they post but you can certainly mark this topic for following
  10. @KDV your not insane dude! I got my wife a Bosch l boxx with the storage compartments for her Stampin' Up stuff. She loves it. Pretty funny walking into her office and seeing all of these flowers and colored papers and a l boxx!
  11. I think it's really what you find comfortable Andrull. I've got the M12 Fuel Hackzall and Impact gun plus two 4.0 batteries and two 2.0 batteries. The Fuel impact is nice and compact but that Bosch impact is even more compact and has a tremendous amount of power. I got my little brother one for his job and he loves it. Super durable and well built. So really, Milwaukee and Bosch boil down to size. Quality ain't an issue. I love my Milwaukee tools but I love my Bosch tools just as much and when it comes to my 18v impact IDH182 there is no comparison, my Bosch is the cats meow!
  12. Sorry torontotoolman, I just saw your post. Glad you got it figured out!
  13. I normally use the blade that comes with the saw till its time to replace and then go Diablo. For my Kapex, Forrest.
  14. ChrisK

    XCU02Z X2 Chainsaw.

    Thanks kornomaniac! I'll post one soon!
  15. Oh and one more thing! I was on HD and noticed they now have an 15* ANGLED finish nailer! But pricier at $229 but that's what I'm using for my air gun Dewalt. Sounds like THATS what I'm getting!
  16. Oh yeah.....and big yellow DEWALT written on the back
  17. @KWC pajamas? Seriously??? I've got a Festool speedo. It's got FASTER...EASIER...BETTER blazed across the front!
  18. Here's Woodstockva's video of the machine....
  19. http://www.festoolproducts.com/Festool-500652-Cooler-Systainer-SYS-4-TL-T-Loc-p/500652.htm I swore I wouldn't get one but they cleared them out way cheaper than the Systainer 4 so I bought two for storage. Have the cooler insert though
  20. Yeah this is quite the debate that won't end anytime soon. I've got a Makita Hypoid (magnesium) with the blade on the left as is my Dewalt. I'm a south paw but have just gotten used to blade placement. My old Makita 18v was on the right side which was awesome for me.
  21. Good for you @torontotoolman! You won't be disappointed, I've kind of given up waiting for the Dewalt finish gun and already love my brad so I'm more like than not getting this one plus the stapler. Great performers with lots of neat little features.
  22. That's a great deal for some pretty decent tools @eightyseven. Thanks for sharing and welcome to the forum!
  23. Oh I got a dude. Well I've got the MXH from Bosch and it comes with a small plastic bin for the blades. Really cheap box but....it's got some ingenious little posts and slots for various blades. I like it quite a bit. The post keep the Japanese blades in real order while the slots keep the circular blades in sprats order as well.
  24. @Sarbatche I'm not sure what the box you have looks like but how's about switching to a modular box and using Kaizen foam?
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