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Everything posted by ChrisK

  1. Are the rules pretty loose? No pun intended...Yukka Yukka Yukka. I mean can we paint one??!!
  2. Oh boy! I gots to find me a minty green crapper seat!
  3. Yeah you have to lie the Germans. Masters of innovation (yeah yeah yeah I'm a Festool Snob). The story of this is really cool. When the nazi's were getting they're butts kicked by the Allied forces and those crazy Reds! They were trapped in their bunkers so....they needed a tape measure to measure things under ground and over head so they could escape. Actually I have no idea what I'm talking about. But I do have a bridge to sell ya! Pretty slick tool though
  4. I know it's past due but this Christmas I have decided my two favorite Christmas songs are Dominick the Donkey and......Bob Marley's Christmas in Maine! If your from the area that song is SO true! Laugh my lily white New England A$s off every time I hear it.
  5. Welcome, as far as new tools, I'm thinking about getting a Jet band saw. They have a pretty sweet one over at Woodcraft I've been looking at. Looks like I have to start hitting the details again for the extra cash!
  6. See guys. That's what happens when science gets involved! Ahhh Hah! I've created the perfect bond! Next thing....blam-o! We have..The Fly, only with wood....or Frankenwood! Or Jurassic Wood (actually I create that every morning - never mind wrong forum!)
  7. Wow Regopit. The pics really show how big those Dewalt boxes are. I like the fact you can fit the 12v combo on the pull out tray. They actually help me decide on if imahould get them or not-good job.
  8. Wow. Love the sink! You HAVE ATOMKEEP IT!
  9. Is the brushless line going to carry over to their saws?
  10. Hey Travis, I tried looking but my iPad screamed warning at me and the screen was red. Could be my security settings though. I'll try again later this am!
  11. Wow DJ! Handcuffs?!?!?! You fiend! Cabinets are real nice!
  12. Well normally I would have to have a hissy fit at all this crazy talk and say "what chew talkin' 'bout Willis?" But it kind of does look like my Tundra. Quite a bit smaller....I mean my truck would still run this thing over, eat it and poop out a Fiesta.
  13. I think that's what the Under Miner used on the Incredibles! That thing looks like it'll chomp through concrete without a fuss.
  14. Well all I can say is my 14 Tundra kicks some serious hiney. But I have always been a Mopar guy. My last truck was a Ram. The truck before it was a Ram. I'm not a Ford guy but I have to give them credit, that looks very innovative and I bet the gas mileage is pretty darn good too.
  15. I'm not sure if I'll expand my Milwaukee line yet. But...I found some 4.0ah batteries oneBay new off $65! I will buy one soon, I have two 3.0 batteries and they are great but my M12 4.0 is amazing in longevity.
  16. DR, that is absolutely beautiful. The drawings bring me back to my architectural drafting training. While in HS I took two years of drafting, before CAD. We hand drew everything and the letter boxes bring back some old memories. The boxes are absolutely beautiful and that horse has a really cool Americana style to it. I wish I had the knowledge to pass on about the tools but suffice to say, I don't. Good for you DR!
  17. It's just too bad he has to be like that. Everyone is entitled to their opinion sometimes it's good to voice it. I think it's better to voice your opinion to the people directly though. Not through another venue.
  18. That's cool Nicholas. I was thinking about taking a class up here in Newmarket. There is a guy that teaches basic joinery with hand tools and also lathe work. I REALLY want to learn this.
  19. Wow, the anger on this post! I'm gonna cry! Actually I am dead on the inside and devoid of feelings.
  20. That's a fact. I wish I could (1) justify the purchase of say the combo Kapex and stand and then (2) AFFORD said purchase. Invariably (1) no. (2) no. But then again I can always wish. But then again if wishes were horses, I'd be eating steak right now!
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