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Everything posted by Bigmikez

  1. Hope some of the crew can win some of these prizes
  2. https://www.milwaukeetool.com/m12-contest?utm_source=marketo&utm_medium=email-batch&utm_campaign=contest-M12-2019&ud_emh=f1045e906ec8ef5e002504d51adfc3aa1039c7ed30953406d34c6298be24ba70&mkt_tok=eyJpIjoiTURobU5ETm1NREZqTjJObCIsInQiOiJ2RlhUMHAwZ2Y1czJqN2RPMW5VRkdGeTdrS0dmamZqZmVNOUdFNm0yczU1aWVOS2dyR1RSajAyK1dURjZHN3FnSFh1OFVxcEpXR2JUSzhGd1JkSyt5bVdSTk1TVUFYQjNNWDVoNXhQZ09ITHU5b1BaaU5GOXdqXC9tS2JcL1wvQUlONmlKQ2RhN2pBV3VHZlJUbUNGUTQrMHc9PSJ9
  3. Man whata fight! Just wondering if anyone else caught the fight? The heavyweight division certainly is on fire right now
  4. I’ve been saving to get the edger attachment for mine but I might just have to add this to my Christmas wish list
  5. Hey rich nice to see ya on here bro yea I have some projects coming up nothing major but I will share as much as I can also bro hope to mingle more with any of the new guys and learn more from you guys
  6. I know man social media really took a toll on this place but hoping some peeps will still stop by and say what’s on here... really miss the old days on here
  7. Carrol WHATS UP BROTHA!!!! Oh man glad to see you in here I’m good man hope you have been great bro!!
  8. I just saw that today also wow how they failed on that one.... could’ve been a great line
  9. So cool man I wonder how I can justify another ice chest with the wifey lol
  10. See that this morning also not a good thing for them at all
  11. Doing good Jimbo man I missed a lot bro a lot peeps gone here man makes me sad...... anyways I’m trying to get back on here and share some future projects I got coming up nothing major but I wanna post and get some guidance form you guys!
  12. Hey guys my names Mike for those of you that haven’t seen me on here, u used to be a very addicted forum member but got caught up with some life things nothing crazy just trying to survive like most people but I’m reaching out to meet new members and catch up with some old friends on here so I just wanted to say what’s up and reach out because I really don’t want this forum to get lost in the internet world and be forgotten. I really have a lot of love for this place and really want to try to bring it back to life hopefully u guys that are left can help also. See you guys around!! TIA#1!!
  13. Bigmikez


    Dude I figured that but I was to scared to look stupid 😂
  14. Bigmikez


    Man iM not sure....
  15. I’m gonna stop by and check these baby’s out!
  16. Welcome to the crew!
  17. Awesome you got it figured out! What ended up being your solution
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