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Posts posted by comp56

  1. Our local Sears store is clearing out more Milwaukee stuff.......the only thing left are M12 XC batteries they want $44.99 each for them are they worth getting or should a guy pay $79 for XC 4.0?

    I got a couple for $29 a few months back but they changed the price......

  2. you got that right there will always be old tools, in fact the brand new tools ya bought just last week will become the old tools eventually, problem is these old tools are out lasting the people that had the knowledge to use them. Some old tools look like it would take forever to do a job with .....but some times it's because you don't know how to use them properly......

    There a lot of tools we come across that you just don't have a clue on what they are or do unless you see them being worked with from the tradesman of their time.

    I personally had a chance to work with some old timers the real old school guys that their conversations amongst themselves where damn near a different language... and could pump out some outstanding work......and to think you look at their little tool box and think what? you did that with just those tools.........lol

    so if ya think the tools today are expensive, can you imagine what the cost would be if these tool companies could sell knowledge like these old school guy are taking with them when they pass away....

  3. I'm always looking for something to refinish, refurbish, recycle.......so the other day a neighbor was going to take this to the dump because it was all scratched up and had some paint in places .....I say I could put that to good use....he say take it........


    well after a couple hours of sanding and a few coats of polly you would think it was brand new......my neighbor comes by and says.....Damn.........lol

    sorry forgot to take a before pic but I can tell you it didn't look like this.......


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