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Posts posted by comp56

  1. way back my father was a boss/owner of a construction company, When I was a kid I remember asking him how does he decide who to hire?....he says he would take a hammer and flip it in his hand, handle to handle......and would ask "can you do that?" .......and if they said YES he would say.....sorry don't need guys like you!.......

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  2. have had my m12 multi for a while and use it lots for sanding as well as cutting......got mine at a rock bottom price too.....our local sears stores were clearing out all of their Milwaukee line so I scored on some tools that visit.....bought the last 3 of their m12 XC batteries for a total of $68 taxed in........walked up to the counter with the 3 batteries and the clerk says if you buy them separately I can use a $10 off $25 coupon for each one.........lol I say OK...lol



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  3. thanks to all, how long does it take to make? kinda hard to say for sure as I am usually building more than 1 at a time.......in saying that I will go out to the shop in the morning and cut 6 bases and then the next day cut 4 rails and then the next day go out and get nothing done because 3 buddies stopped by for coffee....lol....seriously I guess I could make a table start to finish in less than a day if need be but that isn't going to happen

  4. I think you were to easy on him, he will not learn nothing from practically a free pass.......he is obviously not ready to be in business and it will show soon enough, time management is one problem, running late to each client means rushing, rushing usually means sloppy work and or mistakes to many of those and that spells OUT OF BUSINESS.......

  5. about 10 years ago I was following a truck on the hi-way and one of these things fell off the bumper onto the hi-way...........spun, flipped, rolled into the ditch.......I stopped and picked it up.....didn't thing it was going to be any good well aside from a few scuffs the thing worked perfect.......(couldn't get the guys attention so I kept it)

    turns out I still have it and it ended up taking a bit more abuse from me over the years.......so yesterday I seen one 40% off and figured I got to buy it.........



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  6. there is a zillion and 3 different kinds of foam give or take a few and they can look the same but react different to cold, heat, oils, glues, paints ect ect especially around a tool box.....

    true story:  I was gluing a piece of foam with spray glue to cover a bench.....the foam was 1- 1/2" thick used it 100 times before but the glue was a new can .......long story short the foam started to bubble and melt right in front of my eyes.........wrong glue.........grabbed a different type of spray glue and foam .....all was fine.....

  7. I know this an old thread but most beginners don't have heat set right, so whatever hand your holding your stinger with use other hand with gloves of course to break away flux from tip of rod before you strike......

    also try to have ground clamp close to welding area especially on vehicles........

    use anti-splatter and clean area before welding ........

  8. Using tools and knowing how to use tools are 2 different things, Some tools are designed to be used hard and some are designed to be used skillfully ........I have a lot more tools than some of my buddies and I know for a fact some of them think tools are just that. I don't baby my tools but I do respect them for what they are and look after them properly.

    Just because you can buy or own tools doesn't always mean you know how to use them properly.......


    Safety is a big part: using tools safely for the sake of you, others and the tools themselves.......

  9. for the welders out there, we used to take electrical tape and cover the screen from the inside ..........WTF? $%^#@ is all ya heard.......


    or put steel dye in gloves if they went missing all the time ....ya knew who took your gloves before long.......

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