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Posts posted by LarryS

  1. 3 hours ago, LarryS said:

    Since I've had so many accidents that has ended up in my yard I'm in search of a lawn roller.

    What would some of you recommend? Steel or Poly roller. 36" or 48". Amount of gallons? What is best. Does it make a difference?

    Of coarse this will be a pull behind. I have 5 acres of land.

    To explain a little more

    I have a 26 HP garden tractor with the turf tires.
    I have clay soil. The ground I have is fairly flat. Just a very slight incline in a small area.

    • Like 1
  2. Since I've had so many accidents that has ended up in my yard I'm in search of a lawn roller.

    What would some of you recommend? Steel or Poly roller. 36" or 48". Amount of gallons? What is best. Does it make a difference?

    Of coarse this will be a pull behind. I have 5 acres of land.

    • Like 2
  3. 6 hours ago, KnarlyCarl said:

    Heck yeah man, that it my favorite hat(not yours, I have another one lol)

    My head must be big because the adjustment is very close to the end, and there are very few hats that fit around my head as well, other hats feels like they're sitting up like a yamaka lol

    Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk

    Any hat will fit my head. I have what you call a smaller head.

    So mine must be all full of brains and no air!!! LOL 

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  4. 1 minute ago, WigWagWorkshop said:


    You Sir, are a master for sure. I really like projects like this, that use a backing plate, it really makes it stand out.

    Thank you.

    I really enjoyed laying it out and cutting it.

    • Like 1
  5. 8 hours ago, kruton said:

    Nice work Larry. That's a pretty cool idea. You guys just gonna sign it for the year you won it and pass it around to the new winner each year or make a new one each time. Might be a really cool time capsule type piece if it was a travelling trophy.

    Sent from my SM-N900V using Tapatalk

    I doubt that I'll make one every year. Other than my son. The other guys don't know that I've made the plaque yet. 

    If the winner wants to make it a traveling trophy? That's fine with me.

    49 minutes ago, KnarlyCarl said:

    Nice! Is there a backer board to create the "silhouette"? Or is that part of the board itself you painted?

    Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk

    It is two pieces of wood. The back piece is painted black.

    • Like 2
  6. Some of us guys usually go to Drummond Island, Michigan to do some perch fishing in the fall.

    I had the biggest perch last year and got some lottery tickets but didn't do very well on the scratch offs.

    So this year I have to buy the lottery ticket and I thought I would make up and cut out this plaque for the biggest perch caught also.  


    Fishing Plaque (1024x768).jpg

    • Like 5
  7. 2 hours ago, DR99 said:

    Why so many accidents? That's freaking insane that many accidents and fatalties

    I think they are just not paying attention. They have stop ahead signs way before the actual stop sign.  

    Seen a semi blow right by the stop sign before.

    1 hour ago, ChrisK said:

    Aye you should petition the local DOT or State DOT if it's a State owned highway for a guardrail? I would hate to have some jamoke, not paying attention or speeding or drunk or whatever mow through my yard with my family outside. They might put the rail up for you and that will also deflect cars and possibly save lives.

    Never thought of something like that but we are about 300' or more off of the road.They would have to get by some trees before they got to my house. 

    • Like 2
  8. Taking a break from riding the lawn tractor. That's the tool I'm using right now.

    Takes 6 hours to mow my lawn. A little more this time. Had to clean up the lawn from a 2 car crash that landed in my yard. This one had 2 fatalities.Fifth car crash at my corner in 2 months. Three of the five wrecks all of the cars landed in my yard??

    I'm beginning to wonder if I ought to even mow at the corner.

    Pay attention and drive safe everyone.

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