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Posts posted by WigWagWorkshop

  1. I have the GreenWorks 80v cordless that works pretty good for light to medium snow falls. I think The SnowJoe Cordless might be the better cordless snow blower at the moment now I was really impressed with the review they did on it last year and this years model is a Hybrid so you can do ac or battery power.

    Awesome!  We don't get to much snow here in a "normal" season. Would you happen to know the model of the hybrid?  I will also try and see if I can find it.

  2. Good Day Crew!


    After watching Dan's Periscope, I would like some opinions on a snow blower.  I only have a small driveway, and a short walkway so I don't think I need a gas powered model.  I would like a battery powered model, however since the area is so small, I wouldn't mind if it's corded.  I would like to keep it under $400. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated, especially models to avoid. 



  3. Not sure Black Friday is what it use to be, with all the online retailers one can pretty much get deals year round.  For me, it's not just the price, I factor in my time and stress levels I would endure, just for a chance that the item isn't already sold out.  But the main factor, i'm not a people person LOL, I hate crowds.

  4. Get the extended warranty, I'm literally getting about one E-series 60-70" Vizio a week with a bad panel (not fixable) and my shop isn't even a Vizio authorized service center. I haven't seen this many failures on a line of TVs ever. If you wait until Monday when I'm back in the shop I can get you the models effected, it's only about three models that I've noticed thus far...I know it's a E-601-something. It's not a bad TV when it's working, they have a LG or Sharp panel(good picture) and timing control board, a Sharp(Delta) power supply(these are VERY well made) and a Chinese main board(Foxconn).

    My purchase date is planned for either first week of December, or first week of February.  I really appreciate all the help your offering, this is what makes TIA a great place to hang out.  

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  5. The wind has been blowing hard here, we went from 70's to strong cold winds and the weatherman talking about wind chills in a couple days.  One thing I do know, for the first time in 4 winters I WILL BE using the natural fireplace, has the ex would never allow me to use it LOL.  

  6. Awesome information folks, I really appreciate it.  This is way I love the crew here at TIA, I have learned a ton, now I need to digest all of it, and see if I can narrow done some choices.


    SIDE NOTE: Unfortunately plasma is no-go, due to the interference they create on my Ham and Shortwave radios, I guess I should have mentioned that but didn't think they we still being produced.



  7. Good Day Crew!


    Once spring arrives here I want to have my master bathroom remodeled.  The problem is, for better or for worst I see a lot of nightmares on TV shows, so I am looking for ADVICE on finding a contractor.  It won't be for another 7 months, but I figure if I start researching now, and get help with planning I will be ready to rock in spring. I live in Central Ohio, so if anyone has a recommendation please let me know.  I tried to start my research, but it's a bit overwhelming with the amount of folks that offer there services, and need help weeding out the turds.



  8. I had a 55" LG 3D LED when 3D was still relatively new. They replaced the panel twice under warranty and when it went out a 3rd time just after the warranty, I trashed it and bought a Samsung.

    In all honesty, I've gotten the best service out of Vizio

    Thanks for the feedback, I was actually looking at LG.  The TV's we had (before the split) were all Vizio brand, and there did look pretty good.

  9. umm well being a technical writer for Samsung, Sharp and LG I beg to differ on the 4K it is not for everyone......mainly due to room size, if you are sitting in a room that has 2- 6 feet from your set then you might see a lit bit of difference, (is 6 feet and under realistic for a 60" or 70" TV?) if you are sitting any more than 6 feet away from your TV you are getting no real difference.

    Some may have heard of Apple's big thing about Retina Displays, all it is, is a distance that the eyeball can not see every pixel, sit far enough away from a 4k set and you will have the same effect as a retina display or better yet 1080P....just saying.....

    That's why I am not interested in spending the extra coin on 4k, that and my eyesight is poor.  I have 2 options for locations, one is about 14ft and the other is above the fireplace, which would be 8ft. 

  10. Good Day Crew!


    I am in need of suggestions/recommendations for a new TV. Some of the criteria's I have are listed below, I appreciate your help and suggestions.  I currently have an old 65" rear projection, picture is ok but the sound is AWESOME! So if you have an additional suggestion for a sound system to add would be cool.  


    *55" - 70"

    *Don't need/want 4k

    *Non Samsung

    *Under $2,000

    *True 1080p


    I don't really watch much "traditional" TV shows, movies or sports, but I do enjoy watching Documentaries and Concerts.



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