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Everything posted by jbw55

  1. The board members of the gas companies have thier yacht payments due LOL!
  2. Yes it does....Congrats on the new addition, its an awseome saw.....I haven't once turned to my skill 77 since getting the 7 1/4 fuel and sure don't miss the extra weight,.....amazing how lite they made it I thank you made a good choice with the 60 blade although the 40 is good too.
  3. The 40 or 60 tooth will get the job done with nice results but have to give the slight edge to the 60 on trim work....I'd just buy both
  4. Here is something special....I wish I had a stack of these, even one would put a smile on my face https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:US-$100000-GC-1934-Fr-2413.jpg
  5. That's interesting about the 1000 dollar bills.....I was looking at some US 1000 bills and they fetch a pretty good sum on the secondary market, I saw some 5000 dollar bills, those were cool.....I didn't even know they made them.
  6. Those are really nice, I wish I took up an instrument in my earlier years......My father in-law was a musician (drummer) and my wife plays the piano
  7. I would guess everyone has been a collector of one thing or another in there lifetime.....as a kid it was baseball & football cards and diecast cars....then as I got older music became a big part of life, I started to collect music, buying LP's and CD's and have continued to collect up to this day. Tools have also been something I've aquired a lot of over the years but it was because I needed them to make a living, today its because I may have a tool addiction LOL. Sport memorbilla is another I've collected for many years, mainly Nascar and NHRA stuff. Tactical flashlights are my newest thing to collect, been collecting these for about four years. I have a small collection of coins but not to serious of a collection. I've had some other things I collected but more of a on and off thing. I have friends that collect knives, guns, wine, art, stamps, watches, cars, coins, etc and some at it for 40 - 50 years, amagine what some of these collections are worth!! .....there are so many fun and interesting things to collect. My wife has a pretty large collection of antique snuff bottles from all over the world, many are hundreds of years old. Tell us what's collecting dust in your house, What have you been collecting all these years.
  8. "Eight" will be the magic number
  9. I just ordered one, couldn't pass this one up LOL!!.....
  10. Wow, smokin deal!!.....I don't need another drill or battery format but I may just buy it for the bragging rights deal, ha ha.
  11. jbw55

    Hot today

    Last week temps 108 plus and this week low 80's......and not complaining
  12. Great score....always nice to have a right place right time moment
  13. jbw55


    Holy moly....that's one big fireplace, awesome for your first, you done good!!
  14. Looks fantastic!.....the Mahogany & American Cherry work well together.
  15. About $3.05 a gallon which is pretty good for are area.....several months ago we were around $3.75 a gallon and if you go back a few years we broke $5.00 a gallon.
  16. That turned out nice!.....now you need to work on the popcorn
  17. Yes it did thanks....it was in fairly good shape before but a little work brought back its nice wood tone. I give the credit to the Howard products there great and really easy to use, highly recommended if you have anything wood that needs a bit of life put back into it.
  18. Mine too....Honestly I'd rather put the coin into the tools but if the wife leaves one under the tree I won't complain LOL
  19. You wouldn't say that about the car dealer if you had one of these LOL!!
  20. Nice looking work table, it seems very versatile and useful for many different projects.
  21. I bet that sucker weighs a ton.....I like it now I know what I will ask the wife to get me for christmas, haha
  22. Since finishing up the reno on the living room I thought our Grand Piano could use a bit of TLC also.....I started off with Howard's Restor-A -Finish, this stuff is great, really brings the color back to wood and easy to apply. Use of some 0000# steelwool together with the restor-a-finish works nicely also. Next I used Minwax Wipe on Poly, another easy product to use, I took one of those plastic cut in tools for painting and wraped a blue paper shop towel around it.....just pour a bit on it and wipe with the grain and your done. Last I gave it a coat of Howard's lemon oil. I'm thrilled how it all turned out considering the Piano is 90 years old.....now good for another 90 years LOL.
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