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Posts posted by Stercorarius

  1. 12 hours ago, Jronman said:

    This was a bigger tractor model I cant remember what was on it. 8 series I think. Whoever was driving had full 360 cab lights on. If I remember correctly it looked like it was new.

    Yeah the new 8 series will blind the shit out of you.

  2. Modern tractors have a three position light switch. Park, road, and work lights plus the option of toggling every light individually in the computer. If you're pulling bobtail or an implement with lights it's a dick move to road with work lights on. The road lights won't blind people. Depending on the implement though I have ran with my rear lights on to make sure people can see the implement. Just two years ago when Deere overhauled their whole lineup they switched from HIDs to bright af LEDs that give you a good couple acres of coverage. Running in a field with four other ones at night can get a bit irritating. They're so bright you can almost see the difference between the things that are real and what your mind is seeing. It makes sense because you want to see the t post in the field before it goes through a quarter million dollar or more machine. Almost makes up for needing DEF.

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  3. Was using a Hilti core drill while kinda crawling in water. It had shocked me a few times. It finally locked up and lit me up like a Christmas tree and just never worked again. Didn't realize how tight everything clenched up.


    New year's Eve two years ago. About nine at night. Was about ten below. Was wearing a ten dollar pair of leaky uninsulated PVC boots. Probably had first degree frostbite already. Was jumping in a 721. Some guys stopped me and said that the latches on the skid steer were frozen and they couldn't get them off. I walked over. They had the bucket at chest height pointed straight down. My first thought was hey dumbasses put that down before someone gets hurt. Nope didn't say anything because I had barely turned seventeen and didn't have the balls to say that to a fifty year old man. They said they had been trying for hours. Wouldn't budge. My dumbass points and says these ones? Guy inside the skid steer says yes. I was expecting frozen and so I reach over and jiggle the latch. No resistance. Just springs undone. Que slow motion oh shit moment. Throw the latch back in everything is still for an instant but I was too late. It just falls bit down right across my foot. Splits two bones and bounces off three others. Could hear the fireworks from the ER. They gave me just a brace. I wish I took a picture of the x Ray's. I'm a dumbass so I just walked on it while I waited for a cast. Turns out that the bones were v-d down and walking on them pushed them back into place and I didn't need surgery. Walking on them the whole time I was in a cast made that take four and a half months and never heal right. I'm pretty sure I rebroke it at least a little in a lowboy related incident the day I got it off. Still hurts like hell sometimes.

  4. Think dry firing a bow vs. shooting an arrow. Dry fire a bow and it will ruin it in a hurry because the inertia has no where to go and so the bow will tear itself apart. Shoot an arrow and it carries all the energy and it can be useful. If you go using the latch to stop your grinder without anything on it it will treat it up. With the nut on it, the nut will absorb the energy and back itself off. Regular grinders with regular nuts make it a piss poor idea to try it. They weren't designed that way. If you don't want to utilize improvements in tool technology, that's no skin off my back so I won't judge.

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  5. From the tick thread:

    On 1/5/2017 at 6:32 PM, justinkendall said:

    We just tried it with me leaving, going to the store, and reporting my impact missing. Josh turned on his bluetooth and made sure location services were on. Nothing happened. After 5 minutes of it doing nothing I had him open the app. Still nothing happened. I waited a little longer then decided to come back past the house to see what happened when I was on Wi-Fi. Only then did it find my tool. I am pissed. The other day it must have worked because Josh was at our cousin's on her Wi-Fi network and I was at our mom's with Wi-Fi.


    I'm going to email Milwaukee about this.

  6. One-key is a good idea that was pushed to market before they got it working solely so Milwaukee could lay claim to being first. The tracking wasn't tested enough. It doesn't work most of the time in most cases. The reason it sells is because the big throbbing veiny red milwaukee marketing plan gets rammed in your every orifice. The whole thing is just a well choreographed scam. Milwaukee can go stick it where the sun don't shine. I reached out to Milwaukee and they asked me what problems I was having getting it to work and l told them the problem was on their end. They didn't even give a shit enough to respond. So yeah, they can sit and spin. Milwaukee makes some decent products, but I sincerely hope nobody is using the "tracking" as a reason to buy their crap.

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  7. The fact that it lasted the years is what is amazing. Mine would look the same if they didn't get stolen every 11 months. No companies design power tools to meet the jobs in demanding environments when that's only a small percentage of sales. Most of them go to tradesmen. His sleeve looks like he must have just got a new jacket.

  8. I was really into SketchUp about eight or so years ago when it first came out. Got pretty good at it, but there are only so many uses for SketchUp a ten year old dipshit could come up with and I stopped using it. I use the Autodesk Inventor suite almost exclusively now. That program is ?????????. It can do a lot of useful animation and modeling. Way easy to find dimensions too. I got it free though as Autodesk is awesome and offers all of its software for free to students. I got it last fall during my senior year. I haven't fired up my computer since then so I don't know if I can still use it now that I'm not a student. Way easier to learn and use than SketchUp. This was a prototype I mocked up in there that I haven't gotten around to having printed.


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  9. 2 hours ago, kruton said:

    Did anyone else get their shipping notification from Ventrac?

    Sent from my SM-N900V using Tapatalk

    Yeah. The shipping is odd because they just decided to route the low boy that is bringing the CX210 I won so I get my ventrac and excavator at the same time. It saves a little on freight.

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  10. Back in the day when I had time on account of I still bothered going to high school I'd more or less have the same problem. No $ for anything I wanted to do and too tired from 5 hours of work and 7 hours of school to do anything. Couldn't sleep no matter how tired I was, still can't. I'd get in my car and leave all hours of the night. Hammer down. Put in a new CD. Hammer down. Get bored and frustrated. Hammer down. There goes third gear. Wish I had 50 more horsepower. Hammer down. Hit the peak speed. Wish there was a cliff in town. Hammer down. That kids is the story of how I lost my license the first time and how I wrecked my first couple cars. Good times. Don't really have free time anymore. 

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  11. 17 minutes ago, BMack37 said:


    Dave Grohl is a musical genius and when you add Taylor Hawkins into the group, they really can do anything. Wasting Light was recorded in Dave Grohl's garage in a "Studio" the band, without sound engineers or any other experts, built. Most don't know that Taylor is an accomplished pianist and a fantastic rock singer. Nevermind the rest of the band member's talent, those two could make anything good. I love their use of tempo change and how they have evolved, "The Pretender" is one of my favorite songs and it's something only the Foo FIghters could pull off. Dave Grohl is the best in interviews too, he's the greatest musician of my generation BY FAR and he acts like he's just another guy, humble as humble can be.

    And who could forget:

    And he came back a few hours later and finished the concern.

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