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Everything posted by Jronman

  1. Great find. Nice to see some quality tools in movies.
  2. not sure how much the tool and battery talk but could be something as simple as connecting the battery to a one key tool to set it up. Then it would be good to use on any tool.
  3. duct tape fixes everything... so I've heard
  4. would they need a pairing button like the tools? or some light to indicate it is pairing or paired?
  5. If only tools put themselves away.
  6. Those chairs don't look too bad especially when compared to cane chairs. My dad attempted to recane some old chairs we have. Apparently it was hard and tedious work. He only partially completed the set of one chair. Not sure if he will ever reattempt or not.
  7. If Milwaukee doesn't release a one key enabled battery this year I think tool connect might have a slight edge over one key especially with a vac in the works.
  8. What movie were ya filming?
  9. Hmm not sure about this. What about team pink or team purple?
  10. Was cold, dry, and windy yesterday. In the 30's or colder. Today it warmed up a bit, less wind, and some snow. Weekend is supposed to be in the 70's. Could be cold one day and warm the next.
  11. @BMack37 nice olive green B&D drill. My family got an electric B&D hedge trimmer from my grandpa. Probably from same era because it was a olive green as well.
  12. 2 questions. Who's coke is that and did they spill it on the water heater?
  13. there is itch proof fiberglass insulation now but it still doesn't get around having the feeling of glass sticking into your skin. That to me is worse than the itch. @JimboS1ice Supposedly Denim Insulation is pretty decent in terms of sound proofing as well as insulating.
  14. The damage doesn't look as bad as it could've been. There was a brick transmission shop in the town I go to school that burnt too the ground a couple weeks ago. I don't think anything was salvagable
  15. Looks like the side windows need wipers haha.
  16. so the big event last year was mostly because flexvolt was coming out and not just a yearly thing? I wonder what Stanley has in the works if it is getting the big event this year. I could even see SB&D dedicating the big event to the recent company purchases like Lenox, Irwin, and Craftsman.
  17. Oh wow @Theultimatehic 4 sticks. I'm guessing one is gear shift and another for changing from 2x4 to 4x4 but what could the others be for?
  18. Jronman

    Tire Ramps

    Anyone ever used these for changing oil and what not? Drive up onto them and hope you don't give it too much gas or you may drive off haha.
  19. I did once when I still had my Chevy s10. It required driving up ramps. and keeping the front tires on the ramps. I failed the first time and drove off so my dad did it for me but I ain't doing it with my civic. It has so little ground clearance that it would get stuck if the front wheels roll off.
  20. do you have to steam the panels then put them in a curving press to get them to the correct curve? or another way to put it is how to you get the curve in the panels? more MDF haha
  21. At the very least we should expect some kind of event for the new tool connect stuff.
  22. I think we can all agree @JimboS1ice is kitten. @comp56 I used one of those clamps for router dados awhile back but never for a circ saw. Ima just wait for a flexvolt track saw to come out.
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