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Everything posted by Jronman

  1. Jronman


    yeah it requires 2 forms of identification and I haven't gotten around to doing the second. Maybe one of these days i will. I mostly use paypal for spending money. Get a little here or there from selling stuff then invest what I earn back into tools. Kinda gives me a general idea on how much I can spend so I don't spend too much.
  2. Jronman


    It is easier to transfer from bank account to paypal then to transfer from paypal to bank account. I have yet to unlock the transfer from paypal to bank account feature. When I bought something from @SevenOddosFence I was fairly new to paypal and I still am. It was fairly easy to pay the money. As far as I know there were no extra fees involved.
  3. I noticed you switched back to the yellow tools haha. Milwaukee yellow.
  4. What would someone need to do to protect against rust on say a table saw top? Is wax sufficient? How often would the saw need to be treated? I would guess climate can effect how often the top gets treated.
  5. @Conductor562 could surprise Mrs. Conductor with something?
  6. I figured it was the bottom right but wasn't for sure.
  7. lets say I have a $20,000 wide belt sander and my neighbor needs to use the wide belt. For whatever reason no other tool will do the task the neighbor needs to complete except the wide belt. Lets also say I follow the "I bought it so can you principle". My neighbor asks me, "can I borrow your wide belt sander?" I say, "No you can't use my wide belt sander. You will have to buy your own." To an extent this could work with cheaper tools like a cordless drill, but I don't see it working with more expensive tools like a wide belt. It's not like the neighbor is gonna have the resources or the need to scrap together $20,000 for a wide belt to complete one task. I would obviously teach the neighbor how to use the sander or whatever expensive tool that the neighbor is needing and be around when it's in use just incase something would go wrong. Not letting them use the tool just doesn't seem right to me. Thats just my 2 cents.
  8. oh I think I understand now. I was looking for a switch but could find any but now realized I need o find the outlet the switch controls and not the switch itself. Im guessing the switched outlet is one of the 3 on the right not sure which one though.
  9. @SetBuilder let me guess the very top left is outlet is the switch since it looks different than the rest. May I ask why so many outlets on one wall?
  10. Someone once said if you are looking at buying a new tool and have 2 tools you want to buy but the budget for only one, go with the tool that provides the most amount of function you don't already have. I have tried to follow this principle even before I heard what this person said. I guess we will see when my tool collection gets bigger. I don't see a reason to have 50 cordless drills just because. I don't foresee myself selling many tools unless It was a tool that came with a deal that I already had/didn't need or a tool that is getting upgraded and no longer needed because I don't really need duplicates of tools right now.
  11. what is the long term effects of wifi?
  12. It would be even smaller than small houses more like someone needing a window replaced and a fence pained, so and so wants x room to become a bathroom, or etc. I would guess building in rural Nebraska is a lot different than where you live. A lot of our big projects are for rich farmers.
  13. Jronman


    I was talking more about screws used for hinges. I thought they were #1 phillips. I cant remember. I used a #8 self centering drill bit to pre-drill the holes.
  14. For online cordless tools I generally I go to factory authorized or acme for the decent deals they offer. Sometimes i go to amazon or home depot just to look. I recently found out about mcfeeleys which sells quality screws and fasteners. It will now be my main place to order from for screws. Generally for small odd and ends i just buy at a local store like ace, menards or the local hardware. My favorite place to shop in store is builders or home depot.
  15. Jronman


    The worst screws to use are the #1 Phillips. They strip extremely easy.
  16. Jronman


    That's what i was wondering about @tpamatmat's idea if the screw could drill the hole.
  17. My boss is nice enough to lend tools out. I don't see why I can't do the same. I don't know if many will ask to use my tools or not.
  18. Anyone use anything that falls under the "smart home" category? Whether it be lights, thermostats, door locks, cameras, etc. I currently have a couple LIFX led color smart bulbs. 1000 lumens per bulb and a 20+ year life span. Can output both white light in various kelvin temperatures ranging from yellow to white to blue and also can output colors as well using a color wheel. Completely dimmable as well. They are expensive and a bit bigger than the average light bulb. Will not fit in many flush mount or semi-flush mount. They are worth it to me but not sure about the average person. These bulbs are really high quality. I guess my thermostat is somewhat smart. It can be controlled via a website.
  19. Could get some LIFX smart bulbs then get a smart switch that when triggered will turn the light off but not cut power so will still be able to turn on via the app.
  20. Jronman


    @tpamatmat So you could have a concrete screw that wouldn't need to be predrilled? Drills with the blows and drives with the impacts.
  21. My boss likes to take all the small jobs to ensure we have work but sometimes the customers on our bigger jobs can get a bit mad, impatient, or whatever when we are working at the small job and not at their job.
  22. A pro is gonna get the good brush because of how much better it paints over the cheap brush and will have better ways of cleaning the brush than the average person.
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