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Posts posted by Kiwifella

  1. I had an idea recently: for those who have more time on there hands than money. Buy the complete line up of parts for a tool online, then assemble it yourself. Ive done a bit of checking and it comes out cheaper at least parts wise. Sometimes $100 less, could be more if you new a cheaper parts supplier.

    Is this a stupid idea? 

  2. Hi all.

    I have just recently been taking an interest in the inside workings of my tools, and one of my mates at work was wondering if you could use higher Ah batteries in his sabre saw (only 3 and below seem to fit) (model BJR181)  if you replaced the battery port with one from a newer drill. I wasn't sure if the wiring, motor, etc could handle a higher current battery, so figured i'd ask you all.

    Cheers from New Zealand.


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