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  1. I have not just heard that they produce 2 series one at Japan one in China. And the harest bite to swallow is that the quality differancial is there. Dont ask me for number quantifications i can deliver that but what i have seen on now multiple channels is the plastic and build quality is like a Ferrari and a cheapo Fiat car. Im from Europe and we get here 3 Years warranty the supplieres here wont sell you Japanese made tools but would love to sell you made in China. Tells me the margins must in relation to die-fast machine must be high. When a tool is not heavy used its robustness suits hobby usage well because when it is usex 50 times a year it will not appear fast as a lesser quality product. In inversion Makita tools bought from Japan come with one year warranty, thats it. Now you may be thinking "why sell a bad build tool with a longer warranty?" Because you sell more! That is a trigger rubbing, the need of safety. May buy in Japan because those original made tools are from higher quality. I wont buy a cheapo knock of i dont like to pay twice. Good tools delivee good work and both come with a high pricetags soooooo... Buy once cry ones ;)
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