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Poor repair jobs


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Am I the only one here who hates doing poor repair jobs? Today I went against my own principles an did a crappy repair job. I know there are times you gotta do what you gotta do but man I hate it. I hate it even more when your doing it for someone else. 

Long story short a friend called in need of a favor. His dad runs a smaller ranch an had a equipment issue. There feed wagon offload conveyer(think that's what it's called) got sheared off. 2 of the normal employees who can repair things had a family emergency. The few other employees all did what they could but were lacking welding skills. I got a call an went over. I took one look and was heisitant to do it. I don't mind helping a friend out but I just don't want to do poor work. I knew I didn't have the proper tools, materials, parts and time. I made that very clear I can't do it properly. All they really needed was a short term solution for there cattle feed. I was able to make the conveyer stationary an work. It was surely a makeshift repair. The feed got mixed an cattle fed for now. A proper repair can be done later.
So who else has had to do poor quality short term repairs? 
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1 hour ago, rrich1 said:

I don't consider that a crappy repair job. 1. you made it clear what the result would be. 2. all the intention was to get by until a more permanent solution could be had.


Thanks. It's true they were just trying to get by for now. Ime not sure why I just hate it so much. I just have to tell myself it's temporary.  



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1 hour ago, Stercorarius said:

It wouldn't have happened to be a supreme international feed wagon would it? I'd like to meet the engineers that designed those and give them a swift kick in the hypotheticals.


2 hours ago, Stercorarius said:

Oh boy, I've done so many that I can't even remember most of them. I work in agriculture where you never have enough time. I've done some not so skookum shit in my time. 



I am no farm boy but I could see how farmers/ranchers have to do things sometimes. I truly admire the profession an lifestyle.


It was a jaylor model 5850hd trm. He told all about it. It was all new to me so it was pretty cool. It was learning as you go I guess. You could probably tell me more about it then I know. 





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31 minutes ago, Fletcher94 said:




I am no farm boy but I could see how farmers/ranchers have to do things sometimes. I truly admire the profession an lifestyle.


It was a jaylor model 5850hd trm. He told all about it. It was all new to me so it was pretty cool. It was learning as you go I guess. You could probably tell me more about it then I know. 





Don't see much, if any Jaylor wagons around here. They look interesting but slightly underbuilt. 

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Yeah, done my fair share.

Lady said she couldn't afford a new water heater. One side of the sheet metal and bottom was completely rusted away, leaning like the tower of Pisa. I pushed it back upright, screwed pieces of angle iron up above the rusted part to support it like legs down to the cement floor....



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Once got a call at 6:00pm that a mobile home was without power in half of the house. Park was located on the creek, and we recently had some serious rain. Water ran underneath the home and got into a junction box that the contractor who was employed by the park installed to connect the new home, after the existing left. Yes a local contractor did this. d61772baeee88219f24fa8206a4333bb.jpg

I guess the old conduit was just broken right off when they pulled the existing home, or they built up the pad for the new one, and the j-box was too low. Either way, they filled the box with Great Stuff! One phase was completely shot, so after cleaning out the the foam and making sure there was enough voltage on the remaining leg, I informed the homeowner that there was not a chance of a proper repair that night, but I would get them lights, and keep their fridge running. I told them that the park owner wanted me to bid the repair work seeing how it was going to be on her dime, and she really didn't care about the quality of work her guy was providing. And that I may not be the one to come back to trench the new line, run the new feeders to the house. So I moved some things and replaced the skirting but left the box uncovered(there wasn't actually a cover) to let the thing dry out properly and I put a sign where the box was located behind the skirting. Followed up next morning with the bid, and were instantly told it was too much. We let the homeowner know, seeing how she called us directly to trouble shoot, and she said that the park electrician was already there measuring for the new underground. She thanked us, and that was the last I heard from them. Crazy to think that same asshole was gonna "fix" their new problem.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

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