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New addition to the family


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So for those that haven't heard(which is hard because I've been non-stop talking about him), my dog passed away on Tuesday. I've taken it really hard, I haven't been without a dog since I was like 6 years old and that was only a couple months since my dog "Went to live on a farm". I've literally had maybe three months of my life without a dog. Well today I went to the shelter and this guy put a little bit of tape on my broken heart. He's 8 months old, a hound dog mix, we think he was one of the "flood dogs" from LA. Very loving, quite energetic but he listens and aims to please. He seems really intelligent and is quite inquisitive so I named him Sagan. Here he is:


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8 hours ago, BMack37 said:

So for those that haven't heard(which is hard because I've been non-stop talking about him), my dog passed away on Tuesday. I've taken it really hard, I haven't been without a dog since I was like 6 years old and that was only a couple months since my dog "Went to live on a farm". I've literally had maybe three months of my life without a dog. Well today I went to the shelter and this guy put a little bit of tape on my broken heart. He's 8 months old, a hound dog mix, we think he was one of the "flood dogs" from LA. Very loving, quite energetic but he listens and aims to please. He seems really intelligent and is quite inquisitive so I named him Sagan. Here he is:



Handsome boy, amazing you could get him sitting still long enough for a pic! 

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Cute looking dog

my dog passed a week ago and it's been hard with out him I always forget and  walk in the door and wait for him to come running up and when he doesn't I remember that his gone 

Sorry to hear dude, sometimes you don't realize how attached you are to them

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9 hours ago, Logan said:

Cute looking dog

my dog passed a week ago and it's been hard with out him I always forget and  walk in the door and wait for him to come running up and when he doesn't I remember that he is gone 


Sorry to hear man, honestly the only thing that compared to this was losing my Dad. I was close to my Grandparents and I've known people that have passed away but this one is beyond all of that, it digs deep. I couldn't live with the quiet and live without being "bothered" when I eat, sleep, walk, etc... We all cope differently but I think Sagan will help me, he has thus far. It might be something to consider. BUT keep in mind, the new dog won't be a replacement, you just make some more room in your heart. There's no doubt that right now I'm still as heartbroken as I as two days ago but I have less time to think about it. It has brought some light into what was became a really dark home.

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Congrats on the new friend. We have 5 dogs. We live in the country so we have 3 outside dogs, but 2 in the house. My baby is a 7 year old Yorkie named Mia. Most loving animal I have ever seen. The dog is my shadow. 


When I mow, she rides with me the whole time. If I don't let her on, she'll follow behind the WHOLE time and piss in my garage for spite......Typical female



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21 hours ago, Conductor562 said:

Congrats on the new friend. We have 5 dogs. We live in the country so we have 3 outside dogs, but 2 in the house. My baby is a 7 year old Yorkie named Mia. Most loving animal I have ever seen. The dog is my shadow. 


When I mow, she rides with me the whole time. If I don't let her on, she'll follow behind the WHOLE time and piss in my garage for spite......Typical female




My parents had a Yorkie, he'd do that too.. If you pissed him off he'd piss where YOU would find it, not someone else but YOU. Or he'd take your sock or something like that. He was also really good at communicating. He'd ask to go outside so I'd ask if he needed to or the other dog, when I said the right answer he'd spin around. Then I'd ask if he needed to pee or go potty, he'd spin on the right one again. Then I'd either let him go or tell him to hold on, he'd then go to the other dog, nose to nose and translate...amazing little dog.

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36 minutes ago, BMack37 said:


My parents had a Yorkie, he'd do that too.. If you pissed him off he'd piss where YOU would find it, not someone else but YOU. Or he'd take your sock or something like that. He was also really good at communicating. He'd ask to go outside so I'd ask if he needed to or the other dog, when I said the right answer he'd spin around. Then I'd ask if he needed to pee or go potty, he'd spin on the right one again. Then I'd either let him go or tell him to hold on, he'd then go to the other dog, nose to nose and translate...amazing little dog.


She's the smartest dog I've ever seen. You can literally talk to her like a human she knows every word your saying. She knows by the clothes I put on what I'm going to do. If I put on my old shoes, she goes to the garage and if I grab my wallet, she goes to the truck. If I put on pajamas she'll literally go crawl in the bed. She knows everything I'm doing and makes sure she takes part in it.

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She's the smartest dog I've ever seen. You can literally talk to her like a human she knows every word your saying. She knows by the clothes I put on what I'm going to do. If I put on my old shoes, she goes to the garage and if I grab my wallet, she goes to the truck. If I put on pajamas she'll literally go crawl in the bed. She knows everything I'm doing and makes sure she takes part in it.

Lucky. I'm still waiting for the brain fairy to visit mine. She's constantly acting like she has no clue what I'm saying. Unless I have a treat and then magically she understands.

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12 hours ago, justinkendall said:

Lucky. I'm still waiting for the brain fairy to visit mine. She's constantly acting like she has no clue what I'm saying. Unless I have a treat and then magically she understands.



See, this is what I always found funny about those lists of smartest and dumbest dogs.  I used to have Afghan hounds, which by every list I've ever seen are so dumb, people are amazed that they don't forget to breathe and eat.  Forget about trying to get them to do obedience courses.  However, my experience was VERY different.  Those little buggers were incredibly intelligent.  Once, the pack of them faked a fight in the back part of the yard, so that I would come running to break it up, only to find that there was no fight ongoing and that an entire pitcher of steamed shrimp, that was stolen from the counter during the "altercation," was being shared quite peaceably among the entire gang.


Not to say that there aren't intellectually challenged canines just like there are humans that aren't too bright.  However, my experience is that a good number of so called dumb dogs are really just dogs that don't have an overwhelming desire to please the humans and have their own agenda.


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As much as i'd love to get a dog, both my wife and I seem to be away from home more than at home... plus the uncertainty of it getting along with my son and our awesome cat ...


So that leaves me having a fine time with the inlaws dogs, one of which is indoors and we grab a lazy boy and just relax together..



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