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Tools you hate lending?


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one time my neighbor and I were outside chatting while taking the garbage out, he says hey you have a planer right?, I said yes I do...he says how do you like it?...I say it works great but with only certain type of wood going through it ...he say oh what kind.......I said Mine!  just in case he was thinking of asking to use it.....

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1 hour ago, comp56 said:

don't get me wrong I wasn't always like that, I have lost a jigsaw, router and a small arc welder over the years, I tracked down the router and the welder after some time but never seen the jigsaw again. funny how people can easily come by to pick stuff up but it is the life of them to being it back almost 100% of the time I HAD to go get my tools because they are to busy......so ya that is just one reason I don't lend tools and I don't care if it is a $2 screwdriver


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13 hours ago, Jronman said:



lets say I have a $20,000 wide belt sander and my neighbor needs to use the wide belt. For whatever reason no other tool will do the task the neighbor needs to complete except the wide belt. Lets also say I follow the "I bought it so can you principle".


My neighbor asks me, "can I borrow your wide belt sander?"
I say, "No you can't use my wide belt sander. You will have to buy your own."


To an extent this could work with cheaper tools like a cordless drill, but I don't see it working with more expensive tools like a wide belt. It's not like the neighbor is gonna have the resources or the need to scrap together $20,000 for a wide belt to complete one task.


I would obviously teach the neighbor how to use the sander or whatever expensive tool that the neighbor is needing and be around when it's in use just incase something would go wrong. Not letting them use the tool just doesn't seem right to me. Thats just my 2 cents.


thats like asking someone if you they can borrow your car without insurance, except they're more likely to hurt themselves with your tool than a car. If they're asking you to borrow your 20k tool or whatever tool they need for their renovation or whatever project they maybe working on they're just trying to save a buck or using you, its a very precise way of thinking but I don't "Lend any of my stuff out because someone can hurt themselves with whatever it is you lent them and guess what if you chose the wrong person to lend to, you could end up paying medical bills. I let big corporations with liability protection lend tools out ever since ive been burned. Now if someone needs a tool, I'll just go do whatever it is they want done unless they want to borrow 5ton to change their brakes or tires then fuck that, I don't have one.

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I've never flat out told someone they couldn't borrow a tool. I do it on a case by case basis. I have a couple of friends that could come borrow anything I've got. I know they have the skills to properly use them. They know how I treat my tools and they have enough respect for me to treat them the same. 


Some tools simply aren't worth damaging a friendship over. I'm not going to tell someone I like and respect they can't borrow a $100 or $200 tool. I'll take my chances that they have enough mutual respect for me to care for the tool and return it, and if they don't, $200 isn't going to break me. 


However, if a guy I know doesn't know jack shit about tools calls and wants my miter saw, table saw, planer, etc, I'm going to offer to go over and help him or have him bring it to me. I'll make excuses or whatever I have to do to ensure he gets the job done without actually borrowing the tool. 


But, there are some people I'm just not lending shit too. I'll start out offering to help, etc, but if it comes down to it, I'll just say no. There's one guy in particular that comes by 3 or 4 times a year wanting to borrow shit. Married into my family, so I had to put up with a little more. I don't particularly like him, I don't trust him with my tools. He started out looking for odd size 3/4" drive sockets and little shit that not everyone should have and wouldn't make sense to buy for one use. Fair enough I guess. Then he started asking for an angle grinder. I had an old Dewalt I wasn't particularly concerned with so I let him use it. He'd keep it a week or two, bring it back, then come get it again, and again. Borrowed it at least 6 times. I finally told him there was a difference in not having an odd ball tool and just being a cheap ass. He's stop and borrow basic shit constantly, shit every self respecting man should own. Fucker borrowed a circular saw! Doesn't own a saw....any saw! What kind of panty wearing excuse for a man doesn't own a saw of any kind? 


I put put up with it for awhile just to keep the peace, but when he stopped and wanted my welder and plasma cutter I just had to draw the line. I explained to him that I knew he didn't know jack shit about welding and cutting, I knew he didn't have 220V anywhere outside, and I knew he didn't have any way to deliver dry air to the plasma, unless of course he borrowed my dryer. He wasn't too upset about the plasma cutter, but kept on about the welder. He was planning on running it off his generator and admitted that he had only a very basic idea of how to weld and wanted to use mine to practice and see if he wanted to invest in one ?


I told old him that if he wanted to come out to the house I'd be glad to give him a crash course, but he wasn't taking it home with him. 


That was last summer and I haven't heard from him since. 

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I don't mine people borrowing my tools, just so long as they stay within 20' of me and are never outta my sight. But seriously my wife doesn't even touch my tool(s) (pun intended), I bought her her own for around the house.  I remember my old man went through 10 hammer's one year because my brother's and I(4 of us) were dip shits and ever since then it stuck with me to be respectful for others tools and they should respect mine.

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6 hours ago, HiltiWpg said:

I haven't figured out a way to politely tell people I don't lend my tools.
I come off sounding like a jerk every time. I usually say something like " I invested quite a bit into these tools for me to earn a living, not you"

If I judge someone to be worthy of assistance, when they ask to borrow a tool I will state that I only loan tools if I am attached to them. Otherwise, I do not consider it impolite to simply state that my tools are not available for loan.

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In today's world, if you own a tool and someone else injures themselves using it, can you be held liable for that injury? You can't fix stupid, and you also can't avoid litigation when stupid decides that you should have done the work for them so that they wouldn't have been hurt by your tool. Yes, this is an extreme example, but it is entirely possible that someone might go this far if they think you have an insurance policy that they could access like a lottery ticket, even if it was their own stupidity that was the cause of the problem. Even if you win in a situation like this, you lose monetarily. I prefer not to let Murphy gain an edge on me by loaning tools to someone who may or may not know how to use them, take care of them, or return them immediately after use after having cleaned them or refilled the gas tank to the same level as when they borrowed it. Having to chase a tool down when I need it because someone decided that it was okay to hang on to it because it wasn't important enough of an item to return to it's rightful owner and that the owner might have forgotten who borrowed it and never come looking for it, is not high on my list of things to do today. Having to run to the gas station and fill a tank before returning home to use a tool after getting it back or having to chase it down in the first place is even lower on that list.


There is only one person that I will currently loan tools to without reservation and that person does not like to borrow them, unless it is an emergency. It is a matter of trust, and that has been stretched pretty thin in my case over the last couple of decades.

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7 hours ago, comp56 said:

one time my neighbor and I were outside chatting while taking the garbage out, he says hey you have a planer right?, I said yes I do...he says how do you like it?...I say it works great but with only certain type of wood going through it ...he say oh what kind.......I said Mine!  just in case he was thinking of asking to use it.....


Fucking savage. 

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Only a few people I let borrow tools . Usually they get returned to me dirty it makes me not want to lend but finally I had enough so I told him don't get it so fucking dirty , respect other peoples things. I would have to be with comp I have put a shit load of work into getting tools and fixing them so I don't lend out very often .


All of my tools are dirty. I don't have a homeowner collection lol


Honestly, most of my tools I use regularly and can't afford to let people use.


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picture it..... summer 1989, I think it was july 17th maybe might have been the 18th maybe, anyway sun was out temps were in the mid 80's and I decided to not lend out tools from here on. I slept better I didn't worry about my tools any more it was a win win....no more well ya let him why not me? questions nothing....it didn't take long for anyone that knows me to not even bother to ask......

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I borrowed a Silverado truck from a friend of mine about 8 years ago.


I never did give it back. He keeps the license up and tags.

Its getting rusty in the rockers now. I need to talk to him about trading it in.


Its a great tool :)


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2 hours ago, JMG said:

In today's world, if you own a tool and someone else injures themselves using it, can you be held liable for that injury? You can't fix stupid, and you also can't avoid litigation when stupid decides that you should have done the work for them so that they wouldn't have been hurt by your tool. Yes, this is an extreme example, but it is entirely possible that someone might go this far if they think you have an insurance policy that they could access like a lottery ticket, even if it was their own stupidity that was the cause of the problem. Even if you win in a situation like this, you lose monetarily. I prefer not to let Murphy gain an edge on me by loaning tools to someone who may or may not know how to use them, take care of them, or return them immediately after use after having cleaned them or refilled the gas tank to the same level as when they borrowed it. Having to chase a tool down when I need it because someone decided that it was okay to hang on to it because it wasn't important enough of an item to return to it's rightful owner and that the owner might have forgotten who borrowed it and never come looking for it, is not high on my list of things to do today. Having to run to the gas station and fill a tank before returning home to use a tool after getting it back or having to chase it down in the first place is even lower on that list.


There is only one person that I will currently loan tools to without reservation and that person does not like to borrow them, unless it is an emergency. It is a matter of trust, and that has been stretched pretty thin in my case over the last couple of decades.


Agree Iv been using chainsaws since my teenage years but my uncle trained me on them his a forester for 44 years,  He always says 'any Tom,Dick or harry can run a chainsaw' If I was to lend out my saws to anyone and they get injured it will come back and bite you right on the dickaroo.

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On 2017-03-07 at 1:41 PM, Hugh Jass said:

Last time I gave my 780 to a friend, I gave it to him without the blade, he asked where it was and I pointed south and said "Home Depot". 

Damn! That's awesome and I'm likely going to use that line at some point.


Personally I can count on one hand the amount of people I'd lend tools to, and odds are I'm coming along with it. Not even sure what I'd lend out. Maybe a hammer. Impact driver. Not much else. 

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18 hours ago, Cr8ondt said:

I don't mine people borrowing my tools, just so long as they stay within 20' of me and are never outta my sight. But seriously my wife doesn't even touch my tool(s) (pun intended), I bought her her own for around the house.  I remember my old man went through 10 hammer's one year because my brother's and I(4 of us) were dip shits and ever since then it stuck with me to be respectful for others tools and they should respect mine.

use the tool like it is somebody else's tool?

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17 hours ago, BababooeyHTJ said:


All of my tools are dirty. I don't have a homeowner collection lol


Honestly, most of my tools I use regularly and can't afford to let people use.


I think I clean mine too much haha.

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11 minutes ago, Jronman said:

use the tool like it is somebody else's tool.


In the rare case that I have to borrow someone else's tool, I freaking treat it like it's made of gold, I don't care if it's a $3 HF tool. I will clean it if it gets dirty, try not to scratch it, etc...I don't know why everyone can't respect someone else's property.

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1 hour ago, BMack37 said:


In the rare case that I have to borrow someone else's tool, I freaking treat it like it's made of gold, I don't care if it's a $3 HF tool. I will clean it if it gets dirty, try not to scratch it, etc...I don't know why everyone can't respect someone else's property.

Yes I do the exact same return it in better condition then u got it in . For an example my next door neighbor has a small Kubota and when her son in law uses it and brings it back its low on diesel and he beats the hell out of it and its dirty... One thing what a fucking jackass bring it back clean , full tank maybe top off oil if low . seriously its not that hard 

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