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Volunteer Work?


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Recently I've thought about volunteering with Habitat for Humanity or a similar organization as I find the time.  I figure it will provide a means to hone my skills while using some of my tools for the betterment of others, which leads to my questions.


I can imagine that most volunteers bring basic hand tools such as hammers and tape measures, but would a volunteer jobsite welcome power tools?  If so, would the risk be worth it to bring my own cordless tools; namely saws and stuff that I would not keep on my person as I would a drill or driving tool?


I know theft and "accidental" acquisition take place on normal jobsites, and I can imagine that some volunteer organizations utilize people fulfilling community service, so I don't want to offer temptation in the form of expensive batteries and tools.  Nor do I want to commit myself to a volunteer project only to find excessively prohibitive rules as to what can be used on the jobsite (i.e. no personal tools of any sort).


Please pardon my ignorance, and eventually I'll contact Habitat firsthand, but has anyone here volunteered in the past?  Besides the above questions, and perhaps most importantly, what were your experiences?  Thanks in advance for input!

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I volunteer atleast 2 days a year for an organization called be the gift. I bring some of my own tools and other helpers are thankful for them. You could also take into consideration I live in a small town working for a small organization. It may be more accepted here. I'm not for sure though. We don't build houses like habbat but we do more odd jobs, house maintenance, lawn care, etc. for single parents.

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It all depends on the organization. I do 2 to 4 days every other month for Habitat here in Baltimore. I bring all my own tools and for the most part it's only me and maybe a few other people if I'm lucky. I guess it's because I volunteer during the week and not the weekends.

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