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Great awards video guys !!!


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Conductor I really appreciate all your info. You are very well informed I am curious about where you use all these great tools. In the trades or on your own home and vehicles ?

I am by trade a Railroad Freight Conductor. Not many tools required beyond a few monster sized wrenches and the occasional Channellocks. My love affair with tools is almost entirely extracurricular. I grew up using Proto tools working on various things and learned to appreciate their rugged quality. I started building my set when I was 15 and while I bought what I could afford, I always wanted a full set of Proto stuff.

As I got older and had more money to throw at my collection, I did just that. I slowly phased Proto in and cheaper stuff out. I never really bought cheap stuff though. I invested mostly in Kobalt during the J.H. Williams era and still have a lot of that today.

I try to study up on tools. Everyone has something they love, sports, movies, books, whatever, tools just happen to be mine. When I found myself looking for answers I couldn't get from Google, and seeking out obscure characters on the internet for answers, I decided I wanted to be the sought rather than the seeker. I've spent a lot of hours studying tools, though mostly Proto and Plomb (Proto was Plomb until 1948).

In my search I have been to every corner of the internet, multiple forums, read books, studied old catalogs, etc. and feel it is my job to carry on the history of Proto and Plomb to the next generation. There won't be much interest, but at some point in the distant future some member of the next generation will come calling wanting to know everything he can find out about them. When that day comes Conductor will be there telling him to pull up a chair.

In my mind these forums are invaluable. Without this place and others like them, many of my questions would have gone forever unanswered. It is truly a valuable resource. I've met a lot of good people and consider many friends. I have sent and received many tools without a dollar changing hands.

I run the forum here and also write reviews under my street name. Everyone here gets along great, good guys. I don't think I've ever warned or banned anyone that wasn't a spammer. We get the occasional turd, but they usually don't stick around long.

Thanks again for being a member here and if there's anything I can ever do to make your experience here better, just let me know.

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Thanks conductor. I love tools as well. My grandfather was a blacksmith and my uncle a finish carpenter. I ran hardware / home centers after college for many years so I dealt with tons of contractors and tradesmen. Almost 16 years ago I was asked by one of my customers to join his

Window treatment business. Two years later I started my own installation company

Now I use tools all day and I love it. The business is good enough I can afford to buy the best so I am always excited to read about the newest tools. Everyone here seems great I look forward to getting to know all of you

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  • 4 weeks later...

All of tia's awards made sense after some explanation but the one that I didn't understand was the award for the dcd985. I know from personal experience it's an awesome drill but why didn't the dcd995 win the award instead. It is the brushless updated version of the same drill.

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