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My tools / ToughSystem Racking

Mr. Yellow

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:)    this is some good fun!   until one of our stacks topple over damaging thousands of dollars of tools and cases!    haha    no risk, no reward!

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  • 5 months later...

that's fair enough mate. I'm literally about to invest in my first lot of toughsystem boxes as they seem a lot more practical for me compared to systainers. I just need to figure out a way to modify the trolley to hold an extra set of brackets in the hope to carry all of my kit from the van in two trips...

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  • 1 month later...

Finally started to make a work table for my miter stand. Waiting for a 4-way powerblock to come in which will be mounted underneath near the back.

This way I can power the 2-way charger that's mounted underneath, the mitersaw and still have some available sockets for different tools.


First I was thinking to drill 2 holes near the front edge to park my drill/driver and impact, but I think I will go with the PCV cubbies that I've seen people using so I could hang them under the table and have more space left for other stuff. Ordered some black PVC. Might go with aluminum in the end if I'm satisfied with that setup.





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Cheers guys! The idea came from Rossi7x though!


That would be nice Chris. Good one!

Perhaps with some extra supports than can be positioned on top. I might look into that later...


I'm constantly altering it though, doing this, maybe that... I was about to screw that powerbrick underneath, a cordwrap and be done...

Now I added some slides underneath for another platform where the powerbrick sits somewhat flush with the surface so I can access it from the top, rather than from the back.

This will also give me extra space to store stuff like my radio, but then I had the idea to add 2 little hooks to the underside of the stand, so I can hang my radio there and keeping valuable space. 


I'll post some new pics soon. I just added the aluminum rails underneath on which I bolted the slides. Lots of measuring and stuff, because there's other stuff to be mounted and I have little space to play with. But it seems to work out and it keeps me busy ha ;)

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Well, I'm making things too complicated. Put the sliding platform in. Measurements? Ok! Execution? Ok! Operation? Terrible!

The slides are nice. Nothing heavy. They can only hold 45kg, but for a little platform for some tools that is enough. It's just when fully extracted there is this horrible sideways play. I don't get it. Maybe I should've used different slides...


I'm thinking of just locking the slides so that it only extracts halfway. There is still some play but not as much when fully extracted.

They are push-to-open slides so when in the closed position it holds the platform so it won't slide out on it's own.


Anyway, this is it so far... stupid f*7#ing thing. It's not even done and I hate it already ;)


The black spacers between the brackets and table are just temporary. Getting some decent spacers tomorrow.











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I locked the slides so that it only extracts halfway, like in the 2nd picture above. It's better now, but still I'm not happy.

Also because now I carry extra weight that is not used.


I've made a backplate with a cutout for the powerbrick. Think I will remove the platform and slides and just put the backplate in there.

Less complicated, lighter in weight and better protection from the elements for the powerbrick...

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So I ditched the platform and slides. This will be better I think. Finished the backpanel today...


This is the front of powerbrick housing where I built around an extra casing so I can better attach it to the table and to give it a better look.

It has another purpose though. When I put this inside the backpanel and screw the topplate on it clamps itself in the backplate. I can't really screw it in there since there is little room and the way the powerbrick is designed, when it deforms ever so slighty I can't get the top on there the way it should be.


The other part is the backside of the backpanel. Don't mind the sloppy cutout.





The powerbrick backside and front of the backpanel...

I added 2 ports on the powerbrick. At first I just wanted to drill a hole in the powerbrick and run the cable from the charger directly in there and hook it up.

I came back from that idea merely because I needed a different way to get the powercable in there. The original inlet position is on the left side of the housing that is covered about half due to the thickness of the backpanel. So I needed to change that. 

I had some Neutrik Powercon True1 connectors and stuff laying around. Got them last year when I saw a topic on the Mafell users forum where a guy converted the powercables from his Mafell tools to Neutrik ones. So to get a similar thing like Festool's Plug-it. I decided it wasn't for me, but the plugs and stuff came in handy now. They are 250v/16A rated and are IP65.

Main reason to use these and not running the cords directly into the powerbrick is because I want to be able to disconnect the charger in case it breaks so I don't have to open the powerbrick (I would have to remove the whole thing, not just the cover) or when it causes a fuse to blow I can disconnect it and still use the power outlets. 

As for the power inlet. If the powercable happens to break or damage I can easily switch it out without open the whole thing. Just unplug it.


On the left is the Neutrik power inlet, on the right it's the power outlet for the charger. The screws need to be replaced. All fasteners I used on the table are stainless, but the ones I got for these in/outlets were too short. These things happen when you change ideas as you go on... ;)

Put some regular ones in there to hold it in place so I could wire it.





The backside of the powerbrick sitting in the backpanel...





...and the front...





This is what it looks like with the top on...





In place, looking at it from the bottom of the table. Already attached the powercon plug to the charger.









This is what it will look like when done...

I haven't screwed it in place yet. Might put it a little more under the table, but not too far. It needs to be easy accessible ofcourse.






As for the table, all that needs to be done is the cubbies for the drills. Decided PVC isn't what I wanted so now I ordered a couple pieces of aluminum pipe in 2 sizes. Much stronger and looks better altogether I think.


I know I'm probably taking it too far as it is just a work table, but that is just me ;)

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Waiting for the aluminum to arrive....on monday...

Also ordered a pair of aluminum cleats which will act as a cordwrap. Not sure on the length of the cable yet as I'm thinking about adding some hooks to the underside from my miterstand and add a long extension cord there. So when I take out the stand I also have a long cord available. Then add the saw that can be connected directly or with the table and I'm good to go...







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