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birthdays and holidays


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Hello all, the reason I'm posting this is to apologize for not participating in threads or comments that have to do with birthdays or holidays. As a person that applies bible principle I do not participate in such things, so hopefully you guys understand why I don't congratulate someone on their birthday or ignore holiday related topics.

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Wow Red....I'm a little bit turned on ;)


Seriously though your a hundred percent right, I had a co worker that was a Jehova's Witness. He was pretty cool and really easy going about his religion. He was a heck of a medic too. I was brought up Roman Catholic. What it boils down to is it just doesn't matter. Just respect everybody else and leave your opinions to yourself....unless your talking about our current political crisis then the gloves are off!! Don't throw rocks while living in a glass house. Javier...you don't have to explain yourself or your beliefs to anyone. And if you do, clearly they are the one with a issue.

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Wow Red....I'm a little bit turned on ;)


Seriously though your a hundred percent right, I had a co worker that was a Jehova's Witness. He was pretty cool and really easy going about his religion. He was a heck of a medic too. I was brought up Roman Catholic. What it boils down to is it just doesn't matter. Just respect everybody else and leave your opinions to yourself....unless your talking about our current political crisis then the gloves are off!! Don't throw rocks while living in a glass house. Javier...you don't have to explain yourself or your beliefs to anyone. And if you do, clearly they are the one with a issue.

I was raised in a house that was Italian Catholic and Irish Protestant so now I'm just recovering. One God and I don't need a lot of avenues to talk to him. So just stay true to your beliefs and convictions and life goes on.I do like to mess with the alien theorist. I always ask Well then who created the aliens. I love the blank look I get :)  

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I would suspect it has more to do with the pagan origin of these celebrations. Though many Christian sects adopted pagan holidays, some like Jehovah's Witnesses didn't.

I might agree with you if atheist didn't celebrate their birthday. A birthday is celebrating life, not religion. I guess a person can dig deep enough and find a religious connection but the same idea can be applied towards the SuperBowl.

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Thanks guys Redsionach, Cool Chris and Regopit for the support, I wasn't looking to start a debate here. I just wanted to give a heads up to all you guys so I dont offend anyone. I do the same thing to friends and family around the holidays for example if someone says Merry or happy (insert holiday here) I'll usually say something like thanks and you have a great day or something lame like that. I understand someone might think I'm a jerk for not returning the same greeting so many times I'll just explain myself. Best if I do it in advance to avoid those pesky awkward moments.

Redsionach is 100% correct.

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I just like to argue, mostly because I'm always right. ;) when it really comes down to it a persons beliefs don't matter. I may sound jaded but that's because I'm a Vet. It doesn't matter if you believe in god or celebrate Christmas because your recognizing the birth of JC. It doesn't matter if you don't believe in god and think Christmas is a bunch of marketing bull. The only thing that matters is that you live your life with respect and honor. You can worship a spaghetti monster if it makes you happy.

For me at least the holidays and birthdays have nothing to do with religion, instead it's about family. I never had a family growing up so it's really no surprise I never attended church and ended up in the Military. Now that I'm married I have a different view on celebration. I don't give the Church power over my life and I'm not going to let them deter me from a celebration, after all there is enough shit in this world, a party is much needed.

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There is a poem that compares an atheist view vs a christens view. It's very interesting and I think it is relevant to this post. You may have seen the poem circulate around twitter or facebook. The clever thing, read it through normally and it takes on an atheist viewpoint, but read it backwards and it has religious viewpoint. Much like our generation, people may have different beliefs, and even the choice to not believe in something is a belief in itself.



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I just like to argue, mostly because I'm always right. ;) when it really comes down to it a persons beliefs don't matter.

yes you are absolutely right, a persons belief doesn't matter, that's why I don't put much thought into all of man's wisdom and philosophies. What matters is what God's word in the bible says.
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I can respect anyone's religious beliefs so long as they don't include the promotion of hostility toward those of other faiths. That's where I tend to draw a pretty clearly definable line.


Any religion that would turn its followers against his fellow man, as opposed to defending their right to their own belief and/or offering aid instead of hostility, is simply not a faith worthy of my respect.

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