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Man this is starting to be a concern


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I wonder what sort of prison time he is looking at. That's one thing that concerned me in the State of Michigan they have closed so many prisons where did these people go? I'm personally of the opinion its really dumb to jail a non violent drug offender, do counseling probation all of that, but putting them in jail where they lose their job seems counter productive. The one thing that surprised me in the video the girl was 35 she still looked really young though late teens early 20's.

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She was so nice to the guy smile laughed a little. It seems to be his mo he did a similar robbery he targets women that are alone and punches them in the face. The other victim required Reconstruction surgery. I just don't think prison is enough of a punishment now for some of these career criminals. I have heard horror stories about the 3 strikes law in California a Judge admitted that guy should have fled the country because he though the punishment didn't fit the crime and it was all fairly minor meth possession charges if I remember right. That blew my mind that it came out of a Judges mouth but his hands were tied by the law he had to serve life in prison.

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I'm not really familiar with the three strike rule other than rumors but if it is for drug possession etc. not a big fan it costs taxpayers tons of money for a etc. but when you look at the underlying problem that is caused by the dealer.....well that is a discussion that is just going to tick people off. But when it comes to brutal attacks like this they perp needs to be put away....forever. And stop with the useless dribble these people get. Work them. Sure they can be paid but they should work. Let them contribute back to society while being reformed. I know I know yet another discussion with people on both sides of the fences. Kind of like Obama Care...... :D

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I don't have an issue with owning a firearm for hunting or just as a shooting hobby I used to do that occasionally. The thing that kind of freaks me out is the possibility of taking someones life. I have a friend who's house got broken in and he went and got the whole 9 yards expensive alarm system, some hand guns, and a video surveillance system. He's in the mind set that he's going to take out anyone he even suspects of robbing his house, and I'm always warning him you know you can't just light a guy up if he's on property if he starts running away you can't shoot him in the back a guy was convicted because of that. Same thing with a CCW I'm sure you saw the video of the guy shooting the robbers in the casino in Florida. I would be pissed at someone like that for escalating a situation, but then again you don't know their intention, but i think most robbers don't want to hurt or kill anyone, they just want quick easy cash. I just hope I never have to deal with a situation like that.

I couldn't agree more Dr. A lot of people still have the incorrect thought of "I'll shoot him outside and drag him back in" I've spent a large amount of money on training too ensure I have the right mentality for the responsibility of using a firearm as one of the tools to protect my families lives. In today's advanced world of forensics as I'm sure Chris k can attest too you need to know without a doubt what's legal and what's not. None of the many firearms I own have anything to do with hunting, I have no interest in that. I have no problem with hunting, just not my thing. One of the biggest mistakes a person can make is buy a firearm go to the range a few times a year and think your prepared to react to a life and death situation. Threat of deadly force without being able to follow through with it will probably result in your firearm being taken from you buy the bad guy and used against you or you loved ones. This is something I think lots of people do not think about.

If you intend to protect your family with a firearm I recommend seeking out as much training as you can both actual tactical training and legality traing. Things like how properly take a corner(slicing the pie), avoiding the "fatal funnel", over penetration, weapons retention, tactical reloads are all things that you should be familiar with. A gun is literally just a tool, you are what's going to make the difference in surviving a life threatening situation.

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I couldn't agree more Dr. A lot of people still have the incorrect thought of "I'll shoot him outside and drag him back in" I've spent a large amount of money on training too ensure I have the right mentality for the responsibility of using a firearm as one of the tools to protect my families lives. In today's advanced world of forensics as I'm sure Chris k can attest too you need to know without a doubt what's legal and what's not. None of the many firearms I own have anything to do with hunting, I have no interest in that. I have no problem with hunting, just not my thing. One of the biggest mistakes a person can make is buy a firearm go to the range a few times a year and think your prepared to react to a life and death situation. Threat of deadly force without being able to follow through with it will probably result in your firearm being taken from you buy the bad guy and used against you or you loved ones. This is something I think lots of people do not think about.

If you intend to protect your family with a firearm I recommend seeking out as much training as you can both actual tactical training and legality traing. Things like how properly take a corner(slicing the pie), avoiding the "fatal funnel", over penetration, weapons retention, tactical reloads are all things that you should be familiar with. A gun is literally just a tool, you are what's going to make the difference in surviving a life threatening situation.

I told him that him and his gf need to have serious range time learn how to do a proper cleaning an all that stuff required. Its going to be really embarrassing if you end up shooting yourself when you draw your weapon, or have a misfire because of lack of proper care. He just took the required one day Michigan CCW class. He also went with a revolver personally I would have gone with a compact single stack like the M&P shield.

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