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Man I Want to Abuse Animal Abusers


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This was on my local news. It might have hit me harder because I recently put down my German Shorthaired Pointer after 17 great years. I have a soft spot for the breed they are great dogs the are beautiful to look at, and just have amazing personalities. I think there is a special place in hell for people that abuse animals and children. I have no use for people like that in this world.


I don't know I used to be an anti death penalty person, but their have been some pretty evil cases around here that really have made me reconsider my position on that. If you have case that does not rely on circumstantial evidence or witness testimony I think I might be for changing Michigan laws an adding a Death penalty. Just don't get why you let some one that evil live. I don't know what I would do if I was in a room alone with with that guy that murdered that family in Texas, and I wouldn't have any consequences on what I did to him that could affect me later.

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I agree with you DR. People who would hurt children or animals are the worst of the worst and deserve the worst they can get. I recently was given some box seat tickets for a Chicago White Sox game. This was my 4 year old daughters first pro game. We got to our seats and at first every thing was great and then it began. The large group behind us started loudly dropping the F bomb. I let it go and then when it continued I couldn't take it anymore. I turned around and asked if they had something wrong with them and they had better stop. A few innings go by and the piece of garbage that sat directly behind me (a women in her mid thirties) spills her beer on me. This is the same person who was cursing the most. I stood up turned around snatched the rest of the beer and through it on the ground. One male counter part started to open his pie hole. Right before I was going to grab him by the throat I realized if I was going to get physical with him in front of my daughter I was no better than the rest of them. We grabbed our stuff left and watched the rest of the game inside.

When did sporting events cease being family friendly? Why is it that people think the only way they can enjoy a sporting event is getting shit faced? It's a shame that because of this I will probably never take my daughter to a game again. I see it everywhere people have no respect anymore.

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That sucks mustang those a holes ruined a perfect daddy daughter moment. That's when ushers and security need to get involved. I know the Detroit Lions have banned some people from Ford Field now because the have had bad behavior over multiple games. They were so bad it made the local news stations. I'm all for a good time and you can have a few brews along the way but if you see a parent with a kid you should be a little better or the behavior. The one good thing is I'm a happy drunk, so I don't ever get too fired up over crap. I know my limits too and I just know you should be respectful in front of other people especially kids. I don't know if they need to have parent and kid freindly areas at stadiums now or what. I will say I do believe drinking at games has gotten a little out of control, but the stadiums love the money from it. I think it will only change when someone has a really bad DUI incident and files a lawsuit against the stadium because if you serve alcohol in a public place at least in the state of Michigan your responsible if you over serve someone.

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Hey DR. Several years ago I was working with DCYF on a child neglect case and they decided to remove the children for the home. I went over with the ladies from DCYF and after removing all three of this scumbags kids, I called Strafford County Animal Shelter and seized his;

Fish, Birds, Rabbits a lizard and a Rotwelier puppy for neglect too. The guy was so pissed off he confronted me outside. I told him my opinion. He shut up and went inside. Interestingly enough I didn't get a complaint. Hmmmmmmm

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I just can't believe all the damn stories about people hurting animals and especially kids!! It's almost an everyday subject on the news nowadays. My boxer take damn good care of my family and we take extra care of her, it's funny cus she knows and senses the evil people we don't like or trust that walk by our house. I'm a dog lover and my dog is like grown up in my house ,I depend on her to hold down the fort while I'm at work and I couldn't imagine anyone trying to hurt her or my children Like all the dumbass people who forget there kids are in the car with them I just can't imagine leaving my kids in my truck uuuhhhh and and even to hear about people hurting children, I look at my children and wonder how people could even think about killing or rapeing our little ones , guys there's a lot sick people in this world and the sad part is that they live among us and we have to always keep watch over our families and loved ones with the way this world is going.

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