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Titanium Dioxide Batteries, The Future is ...coming within 2 years.

Samuel L.

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So 3 days ago a report was released from Singapore's Nanyang Technological University (NTU), they have developed a new battery made with Titanium Dioxide, this wont just revolutionize the cordless tool market, this will revolutionize every single object powered by a battery, feasible electric cars might come into existence from this. Why? well 2 reasons they have a 10,000 charge cycle life (lithium ion=500-750), and they recharge up to 70% in 2 minutes, and its beautiful the technology will be available for consumers within an estimated 2 years.


Best of all this makes it so we can easily run all our tools off of 2 Batteries and 1 Charger.


Here is a nice Video about it


Here is a news article


And here is the university's report 

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Man, I'm turning into a cranky old bastard. My first thought was, "man, all that juice recharging in two minutes, that's going to put a huge strain on the power grid!"

Sounds like cool technology, but the initial power has to come from somewhere. That's part of the reason I don't really like electric cars. Owners can pat themselves on the back all they want, but they really aren't as green as they think they are.

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Man, I'm turning into a cranky old bastard. My first thought was, "man, all that juice recharging in two minutes, that's going to put a huge strain on the power grid!"

Sounds like cool technology, but the initial power has to come from somewhere. That's part of the reason I don't really like electric cars. Owners can pat themselves on the back all they want, but they really aren't as green as they think they are.


True we do need to invest more in renewable energy.

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Very exciting tech! I was just talking to the guy that works for me this morning about the new wave of cordless tools and how they are really becoming a viable alternative to corded tools.. I threw out how cool it would be if every tool in the trailer was cordless (he didn't buy it)

a few months ago I believe there was also an article in popular mechanics about an advancement in lithium ion battery cell structure which dramatically increased its capatity.. not sure of the specific off the top of my head.

cool cool stuff!

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we need carbicells, 1" square on top of everything that needs electrical power that is charged from the ambient light like solar panels...I know it is a stretch but so was remote start on cars 30 years ago.........

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I wouldn't hold your breath for this. It would be great to have a tool battery with a 10,000 charge cycle life. But to recharge in 2 minutes you would need a specalized system to deliver electricty. You will never be able to do this off of a household outlet. Also, I have read of other issues that make this commerically unfeasible. 



The vast majority of "breakthroughs" in lithium-ion battery technology are inconsequential research findings that would work on a benchtop lab scale but have no practical commercial viability. This is definitely no exception.

In this study, they use a TiO2 anode to replace graphite. First off, this is never going to happen - graphite is the most energy dense of lithium-ion anode materials (barring silicon and lithium metal) and will not be replaced by less energy dense materials. It is a stable and well understood chemistry that has been optimized over several decades. The structure of graphite (C6) allows 6 carbon atoms to intercalate one lithium atom. TiO2 anodes can intercalate one lithium atom per TiO2 molecule. Changing from a graphite to TiO2 anode would dramatically increase the weight of the overall battery pack, which is already the heaviest component of an electric vehicle.

There are also issues using gels in commercial lithium-ion batteries. Conventional pack designs do not accommodate gel electrodes, and there would be a host of other issues you'd run into with the electrode/electrolyte layer and processing costs. 


from here: http://www.reddit.com/r/teslamotors/comments/2j55h9/the_next_generation_of_lithiumion_batteries_has/cl8koem

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