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snap-on repair help


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This ratchet is my lone Snap-on tool and she is not doing so well
when in the "off" position the handle will move either way, this makes it quite hard to loosen a bolt!!
The direction lever does click firmly into the off position so it isn't caught in the middle somewhere
What's the warranty on something like this?
If I need a repair kit, where do I get it?

Model # FLF936

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back in the day the Snap on truck would roll in every 2nd friday a group of guys would rush outside and bitch every time they came back in......I never bought to much snap on tools not because they were not good but because I seen so many having a hard time with service or warranty....may not have been with everyone's travelling sales rep but you would get things like ....umm we have to send it away to see why it broke I will get back to you in a few weeks to let you know.......????? ok so what do I do in the mean time.......oh ya go buy something else......so in saying that good luck........

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That tool is not discontinued, i have the exact one... It has lifetime warranty, just find a snap on dealer in ur area and he should take care of it for u, more then likly if the head of the unit is fine then he will replace the internal workinga for u.



when i search the snap-on site for the FLF936 it just redirects me to the FLF80    they look to be very similar but the bolts on the 80 are on the underside of the ratchet holding the gear plate on and mine go through the entre head from the top side where the toggle is. 


how do i go about finding a dealer?  their site is not the easiest to navigate and im not a regular snap on user so im unaware of where any may be.   my zip is 06107

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Should have bought a craftsman. Cheaper and easier to replace

Seriously? Easily replaced junk is still junk. The Craftsman RP ratchets made in the last 15 years are horrible.


First thing I would do it make sure it's not just gummed up with dried up lube or gunk. Soak it for a couple of days in the solvent of your choice... I see a lot of guys on Garage Journal recommend ATF. It's a 36 tooth ratchet so you could get away with a light grease or engine assembly lube, but go easy on it, it doesn't take much lube to do the job.

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Open it up and have a look. The problem may be obvious. If not, as BK13 said, you can try to soak it in a 50/50 mix of ATF and Acetone for a day or so and see if that helps, but with that type of ratchet the problem should be apparent when you take the cover off.


If all else fails, call Snap-On. They'll have you send it in and you'll either get yours repaired, or a new on in a couple days. It's really that easy. No need to track a truck down or anything.


Call 1-877-762-7664



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So I opened it up and the loosen teeth on the pawl were sheared right off!
Then I made the mistake of disassembling it further, haha. There is a little ball bearing and spring that need to be fully depressed into the head before the pawl can be reinserted.. not proving to be an easy task without some sort of specific tool to hold the bearing and spring in place. I just reassembled it without the bearing in place, taped the bearing to the handle and am going to send it off to snap-on to deal with!


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  • 2 weeks later...

You are better off calling snap on directly. They may just send you the repair kit. If you just send them the ratchet they will just mail it back to you with a note saying they need proof of purchase.

I'd recommend just buying the kit from them for $10 shipped. I can show you step by step how to get that ball in place if needed.

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Thank you all for your advice and help, here's an update:
I emailed snap-on, they immediately said they would send out a repair kit. Then I responded asking about the spp744, that's when things got annoying... a different rep responded to my reply and didn't understand why I wanted the spp744, so I explained, then a 3rd rep responded to my explanation, she agreed to send me the spp744, then I thanked her, then a 4th rep responded to my thank you and said they wouldn't send the tool, haha, so I just left it at that, then a 5th rep email me saying things would be sent to me, not clear what.. why couldn't I just communicate to one person?? Makes it frustrating to try to explain your situation to 5 different people
I got the parts in the mail a few days later but no spp744.. it didn't actually matter, they improved the spring/ball design, it's much more user friendly now. I still had to use something to depress it into the hole in the head but didn't heed the speciality tool.

Repair only took a few minutes.. first pic is the old parts, second is the new parts (the ball and spring are now more like one piece, it's not a ball anymore but a weird cylinder shape with a rounded top and bottom peg that fits into the spring) third pic is the part number and what it fits in case anyone else needs one.



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  • 3 weeks later...

don't know if anyone else mentioned this but snap-on has ratchet repair kits for sale, but i would contact them first


Yea there repairs cost a ton for a lot of stuff. My one buddy broke the touchscreen on his 10,000$ scanner they wanted to ship it to the states and take 4 months too repair it and charge him 2000$ he said hell no took out the screen itself searched for the part numbers bought one that was the exact same one on ebay that they put in when they made it and it was 85$ with 15$ shipping he waited 2 weeks and had it up and running in 2 hours.

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