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Cell Phones


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What is up with these phones that are becoming the size of Tablets, you could literally replace your T.V with your phone. Mount it up, pull up a couch and drink a cold one.


One of my guys has this phone that is like 12 inches long and 4 or 5 inches wide, think it was a Samsung. He needs an over sized pocket for that thing. Way to big for me, I like my 3 inch by 4 inch phone that fits in my pocket just fine.

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he most likely has the samsung mega biggest current cell phone with a 6.3" screen.......I know I have one.....but for good reason......my eye sight is not as good as it was 20 years ago and I can not see the small phone screen very well...... I need my phone for more than just social media and such.....

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the internal specs are so good the phone should last for 6 years until it really starts to be out performed by new phones.

You're dreaming. The bonehead app developers will just write more bloated software to muck up the performance in six months or so...

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I've got the 5.7" galaxy note 3 and while it is quite big I would never go back to a smaller phone.. I got used to it so fast.. it is great to have the big screen.. I love the stylus and take most of my job notes right on my phone. It really functions as a tablet and a phone for me.

I don't know if I would want much bigger but who knows. I've got the otterbox defender on mine so it's quite a bit bulkier and it still slips in my back pocket just fine. And yes my fat 250+ ass sits on it all the time and no bending or breaking

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Yeah you know BK, I gave Samantha my 5S and I tried to text her friend from it last night and man I felt like I was playing whack a mole with my thumbs. But once you get used to the phone it is relatively easy to use one handed. Plus the double screen tape to drop the icons actually is useful. Absolutely loving this phone. I was going to go Note but I'm glad I stuck it out with Apple. For now ;)

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iPhone 6+


the iPhone 6+ is a beautiful phone man and the video and pics come out awesome on there my wife's in love with that phone, everyday I mess with it alil and really like it but I just feel like I'm gonna crack it some how while working on cars and in the freezers at my other constantly lifting boxes.... I might just go for the 6 but imma wait till this one starts messing up. Plus TOOLS IN ACTION VIDEOS LOOK GREAT ON THERE
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With cell phones now, it makes you wonder how we ever got by without em. Remember pagers? lol...when I first started working for my father their were no cell phones. People used walkie talkies and pagers, when I first saw a cell phone my first thought was "jesus, that thing is a brick. Don't drop it from a ladder, you might kill someone."

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You're dreaming. The bonehead app developers will just write more bloated software to muck up the performance in six months or so...


Well actually no I'm getting the Nexus 6 phone witch runs pure android not the mutilated crap they put in Samsung so it should last for a solid amount of time, my older brother has a 3 year old Nexus 7 tablet that runs stock android it has been through every update since the day he bought it and it still runs as fast as when it came out of the box, honestly the phone will probably get stolen or lost before I need a new one because the specs double or triple a I phone 6/6+ in every aspect except video recording it cant do 720p slow mo but they could incorporate that in in a software update if they wanted too.


Anyway I am kind of a Android Purest when it comes to phones.

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