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Movie Theaters


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Do you ever go to the movies? Something came out and you're excited to see it, are you a movie-goer? I know I am and one thing that never fails when I decide to take my wife out to see a flic. Their is always some disrespectful, non-courteous, I don't give a crap about the people around me type of person(s). These people ruin the whole experience for me, its as if newer generations have forgotten about manners and proper conduct in public. The general young populace seems to just be getting more rude, the kind of people that only care about themselves. Drives me up the wall, what happened to parents disciplining children properly and teaching them manners and respect.


Technology is great but, I think we're degrading as a whole because most of the time I believe we have our children distracted watching T.V or playing video games so parents can do what they want which to me is selfish if you decide to have children and everyone now as a whole has their face buried in their cell phone updating their status on facebook or something. Instead of talking we're texting, young children especially. Its like they don't know how to socialize properly or how to act appropriately. All these young kids acting tough on the internet...ugh...


Back on subject though, I would love a theater in which a security guard is put in each auditorium and kicks the loudmouth, texting and calling people out of the theater. Security guard with the walkie signals the dude up in the projection booth to pause the movie while he proceeds to escort the a-holes out of the movie theater. I would love it and would pay extra just for a peaceful experience when going to the movies.


I'm probably coming off as a prick here but, that's my opinion.

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Yep kids should just be locked in a dark room somewhere. Lol. Seriously I was at a restaurant which was overly full. These people were waiting with there kids by where my wife and I were eating, the kids had the nerve to tell us to hurry up eat so they could sit down. I so wanted to kick them.

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Yeah, and get off my lawn!


Just kidding. I've been pretty fortunate lately about not having to deal with rude people in theaters. I don't go very often, and I think the movies I end up seeing may help. I mean, who the heck is going to be disrespecting the memory of Chris Kyle by being obnoxious when his life story is playing?


OTOH, when we go to the movies the GF wants to see, maybe I'm the obnoxious prick... ???

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that is cool ......movie party.....


Oh yea my middle school birthday parties where me and 7 of my friends playing video games on the 2 theater screens against the team on the other screen from 8am until 30 minutes before the first movie at 1:45pm, and the screens are massive for a small town theater.

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Oh yea my middle school birthday parties where me and 7 of my friends playing video games on the 2 theater screens against the team on the other screen from 8am until 30 minutes before the first movie at 1:45pm, and the screens are massive for a small town theater.

That sounds like a hell of a good time!

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Yep kids should just be locked in a dark room somewhere. Lol. Seriously I was at a restaurant which was overly full. These people were waiting with there kids by where my wife and I were eating, the kids had the nerve to tell us to hurry up eat so they could sit down. I so wanted to kick them.

That's f-ing ridiculous!! Did the parents hear them?? Not that it probably would have mattered, any kid that thinks it's OK to act like that obviously has not been raised very well. A swift kick probably would have done them well (probably better served to the inept parents)

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