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Hi Fellow Tool Junkies!


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I have been posting a bit lately and thought I should do the proper intro. I found the TIA forum when it merged with Dewalt Owners Group. I have been a fan of TIA YouTube videos for awhile. Some of you might recognize my screen name. I am active on CT, BTP, and a bit on the FOG.

My name is Andrew. I grew up in construction with my Dad. He would hand me a pile of 8's and tell me to nail off the subfloor. Also was on broom duty...lol!

I started professionally in remodeling in 1995. I did mostly roofing, siding, and windows for the company I worked for. We also did some additions and a little bit of new construction.

In 2001 I went into buisness with 2 others. We did mostly new construction in the beginning.

It is now just myself and 1 other partner. We have found a good balance in business and do 50% remodeling and 50% new. It varies a bit but that is pretty close.

I love tools and finding better ways of doing things. I can't think of anything else I want to do to earn my living. I hope to contribute here and learn from everyone too!

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Andrew, glad to have you here on TIA! It's cool knowing a little background on you.. everybody really.. it helps fill in the pieces and make people out of screennames!!

It seems like you have done well for yourself and really continued to improve the way you run your business. I know you will have great advice and info to share with all us other members! I'm looking forward to it

See you around man

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