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TV Suggestions Needed


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this is where TV companies get technical and try to confuse the consumer, the higher the Hz number the less blur the best is without enhancements


This is what the industry is built on...You know how many people think a LED TV is a different technology from a LCD TV? It's terrible how bad the industry tries to deceive the public.

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I actually like Samsung TV's. They build good smart-TV's. As for 4K..


4K is worthless unless you're a sports fan and subscribe to advanced cable packages. Not much content available in 4K, mostly BS 'up-scaling'. Much like when HD first came out. 


I do disagree though about the quality of 4K. Everyone will have their own opinion but the truth is, 4K allows for more content on the screen. Regardless of how far away you sit. More pixels also means a sharper image and allows for less motion blur. I use 4K a lot for pro AV installs but in those cases content is specially recorded @ proper resolutions. 4K is almost dead though, 5K and beyond is close. thunderbolt II is opening the door to extremely high bandwidth with data + video transfers @ PCI speeds. That means a lot is the tech world.


Apple claims thunderbolt as theirs but the truth is Intel developed it, Apple just markets it. Found in many products beyond a computer, you may not even realize your TV uses it.


But I can go on all day about the inner workings of 1's & 0's .. Really what it comes down to. All modern TV's suck! We live in a 'throw-away' society and you can't really expect a set to last more then about 4 years (give or take depending on hours run and environment) The biggest problem, all non-commercial grade TV's use lower rated electronic components. Think of stuff like 'MIL SPEC' where the high-end gear uses caps and IC rated for high/lower temps, longer runtimes, and power-spikes; most televisions fail because of old capacitors and fried IC's. 


Really the only time high refresh rates matter is with 3D and gaming. If you are a gamer or watch lots of 3D movies get a 240Hz . Its the 'flicker' 

example: go to your light switch and turn it on & off 60 times in 1 second. That would be a 60Hz refresh rate. The human eye wont see flicker above 60Hz but video and 3D will. The higher the refresh rate, the less likely you are to notice 'flicker' <-- dumbed down explanation but good enough to get the jist. 

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