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Brinks truck mystery??

Justin Hernandez

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So I saw this Brinks truck with its emergency lights on in the middle of the road, with car parts and a bumper surrounding it. So I guess it was involved in a hit and run accident. I would like to know if it was an attempted robbery but there was nothing in the news about it. I'm sure there protocol is to lock themselves in the back and don't even bother to check outside until police arrive. This picture was taken a few minutes after I first saw the truck Idk what happened to the first picture I took. But they moved the truck a cop is there and the bumper is in the grass now. When I first saw the truck it had looked the the accident just happened the truck was parked in the road waiting for the cops to come. From what I can tell it was a white Nissan Altima maybe a few years old, to my surprise the cops left the bumper in the grass. Wouldn't you take that stuff to base and get serial numbers and maybe fingers prints off the parts? I guess cops don't really want to work much..lol

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Might not be what you thought Justin, you could have arrived after the crash was cleared up and the local LE was standing by for a wrecker service, the wrecker services in NH are under contract to remove all vehicle parts from the roadway. If it was a felony hit and run, parts could be kept for analysis but that looks like a pretty run of the mill incident. LE does not typically remove debris in their cruisers however unless there is a criminal investigation ongoing. It would make sense for the LE agency to stand by with the armored vehicle as additional security.

If there was a robbery attempt the scene would look a lot different from what you saw, there would be a cordoned off area, detectives, marked cruisers etc.

Additionally, in the event of a commercial vehicle collision, state LE will sometimes be called in for inspectors from the state agency, in your case the Florida DOT. Often the vehicle will be held on scene for the arrival of trained specialists to go over the equipment, ensure it was in safe condition and the driver was following federal regulations (i.e. Log books, medical cards etc).

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Yea I know that it wasn't a robbery I just wanted to see what you guys had to say. I guess I have watched to many movies lately..lol I think the whole incident lasted an hour from when I first saw the truck in the road waiting for the police then the police came moved the truck in the grass. Then they were gone I don't know how much damage the truck had but I guess they just drove off. Idk how far away that Nissan got because there was antifreeze all over the road. I think a hit and run is a felony in my state so idk why the bumper was left behind after they left. It seems a little rude to leave parts all over someones grass..lol

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Probably just an old person hit it and didn't notice then drove off. If you were in a few other cities I'd say it was probably someone on meth or a day-drunk driver. Some accidents have no good reasonable explainations...I saw one about three months ago where they have to jump a foot-high curb, drive over a 8 foot sidewalk and through a chainlink fence. My friend's old apartment used to have about an accident a month into his gate/surrounding trees because people would be going too fast around a corner, go off into the grass about 20 feet and hit the tree or gate. Witnessed a couple of those myself. One guy drove off leaving a bunch of fluid, his front bumper, headlight, freaking wheel and somehow a front brake caliber behind. Gigantic groove left in the going down the road by the rotor. He had to have hit the tree going at least 50mph, one of the loudest sounds I think I've ever heard. His apartment was the closest to the road, so it happened less than 100 feet from us. The tree won that fight.

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Probably just an old person hit it and didn't notice then drove off. If you were in a few other cities I'd say it was probably someone on meth or a day-drunk driver. Some accidents have no good reasonable explainations...I saw one about three months ago where they have to jump a foot-high curb, drive over a 8 foot sidewalk and through a chainlink fence. My friend's old apartment used to have about an accident a month into his gate/surrounding trees because people would be going too fast around a corner, go off into the grass about 20 feet and hit the tree or gate. Witnessed a couple of those myself. One guy drove off leaving a bunch of fluid, his front bumper, headlight, freaking wheel and somehow a front brake caliber behind. Gigantic groove left in the going down the road by the rotor. He had to have hit the tree going at least 50mph, one of the loudest sounds I think I've ever heard. His apartment was the closest to the road, so it happened less than 100 feet from us. The tree won that fight.

Yea they hit anything and everything here no matter how far it is from the road. Look it this picture and you can see a tap for a fire truck bent over, that thing got hit all the time they fixed it a few times but gave up. The last time I think they fixed it was probably 15 years ago, I don't know how the city got away with out fixing it this long. If theirs a house fire next to that tap and they have no water the lawsuits will fly. 


mean while a block away......lol



Perfect response!!. I might have to watch that movie again 

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