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Posts posted by nicascott1

  1. These are follow up questions for a design research project I am doing for a class at Arizona State University. I am researching electric screw guns and looking for any possible changes that could improve the tool's function.

    If you would like to participate and answer the previous set of questions you can find them here.

    1) What about the balance of the tool do you not like? (Too front end heavy, etc.)

    2) Do you think having interchangeable cords would be helpful so that when you damage a cord or want a certain cord length you could easily change it?

    3) Does your screw gun have a belt clip and do you use it?

    4) I have found during my research that most people hold the screw gun by the back of the body and not by the handle. Do you find much use with the handle?

    Thanks to all of you who have given feed back so far. It has been very helpful!

  2. Thank you very much for all your feedback. It is very helpful!

    I have a few more follow up questions if you have the time.

    1) You mentioned the balance of the tool being an issue at times...what specifically about the balance is a problem? Is the front end too heavy?

    2) Do you think having interchangeable cords would be helpful so that when you damage a cord or want a certain cord length you could easily change it?

    3) Does your screw gun have a belt clip and do you use it?

    4) I have found during my research that most people hold the screw gun by the back of the body and not by the handle. Do you find much use with the handle?

  3. I am a product design student at Arizona State University and I am currently working on a research project for redesigning the Screw Gun. To ensure credibility throughout this project, I was hoping that frequent users of this tool could answer the following list of questions. When answering the questions please be as honest and detailed as possible. I am looking for your great insights to the use of the Screw Gun, to help me improve my design.

    Thank you in advance for your help!

    1) What makes a Screw Gun different from a traditional Drill?

    2) Do you have any tricks or techniques that simplifies the use of the Screw Gun?

    3) Do you have any specific problems or complaints about Screw Guns or how they work?

    4) Have you ever made any modifications or thought of modifications to the Screw Gun that would make your job easier?

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