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Posts posted by gary

  1. Good question and thanks for the kind words about our site. Personally I like the Makita system. The tools are great, good balance and a great value. They have some kits that have everything you need to get started. Another thing to look at closer is what other tools a company offers that can be added onto the kit. So down the road if you want to get a jigsaw, do they offer a cordless jigsaw? Some companies are very good about having other tools available. Also I would take a look at the Milwaukee systems.

    Also I sent you a couple of links of where some more specific kits that might be good. Also the link I sent, sign up for the email updates. They have some good savings and keep checking it once a week as the deals change. I put my contact information in the email if you need more help.

  2. For a miter saw I would either go with a Makita or Dewalt. Perosanlly I would go with a 12 inch sliding miter just because it makes trim a snap, but it stinks haulling it around. A 12" compound would also be fine if your not doing trim or larger diameters.

  3. Hey, It looks like when your forum was offline, google did a search on your site and now left out the forum. I always tell my clients to go to Google and search "power tool forum" to ask any questions or learn more. I check it today and you use to be number one, now it is not listed. The main site is listed under that search tern about 7th down, but not the forum. I would wait for google to search your site again and then the forum should pick back up and start getting good. I noticed the forum was just getting ready to take off again. I will keep pushing the site for you as I love this site and it really helps with clients.

  4. I would check the ground wire or any of the other wires. Something has to be touching the cassing to cause a shock. I had an old metal drill, yes it was very old. I had the same problem and it turned out one of the wires were loose and hit the side of the case.

  5. My friend has the same charger with the same issue. His charges fine and doesn't have a problem. He said it has something to do with the way it charges. He thinks the lite will onl;y go on once the cells far away are not charged.

    The new systems has 30 cells and the idea of this new system tries to charge all cells. Once a bttery is placed on the charger, after time it might onl;y charge the closer cells and leave the last cells uncharged. The new charger detects this flaw in batteries and therefor once it sees the full 30 cells are not charged evenly, the turtle will come and and slow charge or trickle charge the batter, so they are all even. He was saying once the battery dies down, then you will see the turtly light go on. In the mean time, the light should stay off.

    Hope this helps.

  6. Great question. A while ago I went with a cheap tool box and was very upset with my decision. I didn't do a lot of research and after the fact once all my tools where insyide, I relized the slides sucked, which made it hard to open. Persoanlly I would go with the Craftsman because of cost, just make sure the droor slides are nice bearing and not metal on metal. I know Craftsman makes the droors with nice slides because I ended up buying the nice one and love it. I would rather save the extra 10K from the Mac and buy some really nice tools. Unless you are a mechanic or something, save the money and buy the Craftsman.

  7. The amps will help, but most jigs are made to make certain cuts. A cicular saw would be a lot better cutting a straight line. If your making another type of cut only a couple of times, I would use the jig saw you have. If your looking to make a lot of cuts over a longer period of time, I would upgrade.

  8. Hey carp, just happen to stop by and say you were on.

    I agree with you , I love the Bosch. I had a dewalt and didn't like the feel, it was probably a good grinder, but I ended up trading it for a drill and went out and bought a Bosch grinder. I am not sure which model I have, its at a jobsite right now. I wouldn't recommend this, but I left it out over night and it sleeted and then snowed that night. Forgot about it and remebered a couple of days later. Brought it in and let it warm up. Believe it or not, I pluged it in, once it dried, and it worked. Didn't even get electricuted. Still like the Dewalt drill, but I will always go with a bosch grinder.

  9. Hey drywall man. Good to have you. We will send you an email that is part of our group. We have a couple of guys who are product testers and one of the guys owns a hardware store, so he always get awesome coupons for deals. Plus once you get to know him, you can get tools for really cheap. Even cheaper than eBay. Just keep your eyes open for the email.

  10. I receieved you email today and think that would be a great idea. I don't know anything about computers or websites, but I would be willing to help and write either an article or if you have a rating system I will rate all the tools and right a paragraph on each.

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