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Posts posted by HDPro

  1. Confession to make up front - I'm not a dewalt guy. I prefer other platforms.

    I am heavily invested in MW m12 & really like it. No one even comes close to having a similar volume of tools across many trades.

    Personally, i don't think you'd be disappointed, but only you can decide.

  2. No deals worth crowing about that I saw. Went to HD this am around 10am and they still had quite a few of their "door busters" available. Mostof the stuff they tried to pass off as deals and "special buys" was regular price. Picked up a few consumables, but nothing earth shattering. Everything I have on my "list" wasn't on sale!

  3. Doing my black Friday shopping at home depot today and was talking to a Milwaukee rep. Had a good conversation, he mentioned some new products like the new radio that's coming out which all of us tool nuts already know but he did mention a new m12 multi bay charger coming out. I thought it was a good idea as I have 4 m12 batteries. What do you guys think?

    I have probably 14 m12 batteries and a half dozen chargers. A power strip works wonders and allows them to charge at the same time.

  4. Chase,

    I know it's not a true plier rack, but I took some plastic coated wire shelving (used for closet shelves & that I had laying around), and made plier racks for some of my tool chests.

    I've also gotten some kitchen cabinet shelving racks (intended for spices) from the dollar store and adapted those. Can't beat 'em for free or a buck a piece.

  5. Nice video, Chase.

    You remind me of my oldest son. He also has a little side business buying broken things, repairing them and then selling for profit.

    Glad to see you love tools! As you're already finding out it can easily become an addiction. But at least in the end, in addition to "the thrill", you end up with something of value afterwards!

    I started my tool collection many, many centuries, er, I mean, decades ago. Lol! I inherited a few things from each of my grandfathers (like you), but most came from researching how to do things for myself. I then went out & bought the tool(s) I needed for the job instead of paying someone to do it for me. Over the years it's allowed me to build up a nice collection of things and over a wide range of specialties. It sure made my life easier when starting out as a contractor too.

    Watch auctions, garage and estate sales too. Often you can find decent older tools for a fraction of new prices because family members just want to get rid of them.

    Best to you!

  6. Worth a read: click


    .....That being said, I keep both Milwaukee and DeWalt bits on my truck. I do think the DeWalt bits hold up a little better. But, I always reach for the Milwaukee for two reasons: The case is smaller and it has the longer bits. 


    I use mine for fairly easy work though, so my opinion might differ than those who use them extensively.

    Interesting read and results!

    I may just give some of those Bosch ribbed a try.

    To date, in my own experience as a contractor, I've liked the Milwaukee Shockwave the best. I've not had any problems with them breaking or stripping out that I can remember. Had a few that I've worn out, and retired, but no failures. But I don't beat on my tools either - I try to take really good care of them!

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