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Posts posted by stp_yz

  1. Hey Bushwickbill, Looks like Bingobelle didn't really answer your question. UWO was "invented" by DeWalt, NO rep (in Canada) was able to give me a formula to calculate UWO. all they say: " it's a very complex calculation that takes in consideration torque, speed and transmission" .

    What the f$*#&!!!!

    Drilling a 7/8 ship auger bit, just like a self-feed bit, demands alot of torque from a drill. Since Dewalt can't provide a real torque figure to compare it's really hard to answer you. But, keep in mind: High Speed = Low Torque , Low Speed = High Torque. Look for a low rpm cordless drill to do your job.

    Right now, the Makita BDF451 at 300 rpm, is the slowest drill on the market. If you want to go with Makita is entirely up to you.

    Part of my job, is to test power tools (from any company). and the 20v I've tested didn't slow down after 6-7 holes, it slowed down near the end of battery cycle. I did my test in a 2x8 spruce, with a 2" self-feed bit from Irwin. The Dewalt did 38 holes on avreage (5 times) and it started slowing down after the 35th hole...

    Maybe, there's something wrong with your drill??

    Hope this helps...

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