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Posts posted by resqrt

  1. Does anyone know if there exceptions to the yellow/star rule for battery compatibility with Makita tools, or any details about what's different between the tools?


    I have a light and drill with yellow bases (BHP452 and BML185) and a sawzall with a black base (BJR182), so I figured I could easily swap the control circuit from the light into the sawzall and get some higher capacity batteries.  Problem is the "control circuit" on the light is three transistors, two diodes, and a handful of resistors which it seems doubtful would affect compatibility, and the sawzall and drill appear to have the same trigger assembly and regulating transistor with no other control circuitry.  All this points to all three tools being incompatible so I'm a bit skeptical about what's going on here.


    I really hope someone knows what's going on... *cough NERemodeling*

  2. I was just using my cordless makita grinder (BGA452) and the switch jammed when I tried to turn it off.  It seemed to keep catching in a halfway position where the grinder was still powered.  I opened it up and couldn't find anything it would catch on but the problem seems to be gone now.  Has anyone else had a problem like this and found a way to keep it from happening?


    I frequently don't have a hand free to force the switch off or remove the battery when I'm grinding so while I was lucky this time I'm quite worried the problem will recur.


  3. Has anyone had good experience with sawzall blades for concrete and similar materials?  These look promising but I have no idea how they'll hold up in solid stone or concrete.

    I'm also pretty curious if the other (much cheaper) carbide tipped blades from diablo and lenox will make a dent in concrete.  Regardless it'll be fun to experiment next time I need to make cutouts.

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