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Posts posted by will86c

  1. I didn't realize it before but it's actually on sale on the website, regular price is $329. I went by the store on my way home today to see if they had one out. I looks like a pretty solid unit, it also seems quite large for a 10" saw.


    Kobalt and Ryobi were on the top of my list. I just need something for home projects and hobby work. I work with metal for my day job, so anything with wood I just do for fun.


    I have a delta now, but it's very old and the blade guard broke recently. It also has a very limited cutting capacity.

  2. So I'm the market to replace my million year old Delta miter saw. I've been doing a lot of shopping around online and I came across this saw sold at Northern Tool. (http://www.northerntool.com/shop/tools/product_200641848_200641848). My budget is about $250 max, as I'm not a professional. I can't find any independent videos or reviews of the thing online. There is a single review on the website and a short preview video. Has anyone seen one of these in action? I've never bought anything from Northern Tool before, I'm assuming Ironton is a house brand.




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