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Posts posted by nathan360

  1. Dewalt need a smaller compact radio that can fit into site boxes as it is to big , makitas dab radio for me is the best on the market at this moment in time , dewalt need to make it smaller and make it sound a lot better as it just sounds like a cheap radio , as an owner of xr lithium I would not buy dewalt a radio because I would rather go on ebay and find a cheaper makita radio as I have older batteries that will power the makitak radio, just hope dewalt listens to the people

  2. Even though black and deck which is an American firm own dewalt which is based in Germany , they want to keep the association as Germany is associated with the best engineering in the world , dewalt has a large fan base in Europe I am one if them so they some times do release things early in Europe just like apple releases things in America before they are released to Europe .

  3. Yea, I dunno either for being the only American owned major power too company left . The only thing I can think of it's not their own design they just bought the rights sell it as a Dewalt. I dunno Dewalt's product launches confuse me more than anything. Look at the Jobsite radio for the 20v max tools.

  4. Dewalt have to bring a good or if not better radio than makita and bosch as they are really good quality radios in the past dewalt a radio has been very, poor sound quality , makitas dab is a very good radio ! And if you have makita tools then I'd go for the Mikita radio as it is very good sound quality it really is ! Bosch radio has a sub and sounds a bit better than the makita but is double the price at £220 so for me makita radio is the best on the market at the minute hope dewalt bring a better radio as I just started to invest in all the dewalt xr tools and batteries

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