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Posts posted by Atlas2000

  1. 9 hours ago, BMack37 said:

    Generally it's asking a lot of 1/4 to drive 1/2 stuff so I bet most will break at some point...but I'd try to get something made in Japan or Europe, check to see if the Makita adapter is made in Japan(though they might only have a wobble adapter), if not, try something like Wera/Felo/Wiha or if you don't mind spending some coin, Gedore.


    Honestly, as much as I like Milwaukee as a brand, I don't buy their bits or adapters, the metal they use is too soft.

    Have to agree that it is asking a lot to go from 1/4 to 1/2. May I ask why that is necessary?

  2. Did not get to see it either, but would not be the least bit surprised. Any site can be hacked with enough expertise and modest equipment. Trust me, a lot of kids nowadays have the expertise and hardware to do it. I've been in computing since 1970. There were no such things as viruses or the web then. Everything was dial up and the internet had not progressed much beyond the original Apranet project. I remember having to go through several computers to get to it. some used Unix, some DOS. Windows v1 showed up in 1985. Anyway, even the Pentagon has been hacked. I order online, but never allow them to store my credit card or other important info on the site. My address, etc. is public record, so I don't sweat that, but non-public info I make sure (as possible) is not kept after I finish my transaction. If a site has a problem with that, I go elsewhere. 


    Speaking to CBS' "60 Minutes," James Comey (FBI director) had the following to say on Chinese hackers: 

    There are two kinds of big companies in the United States. There are those who've been hacked by the Chinese and those who don't know they've been hacked by the Chinese.

  3. Retired now (more or less), but when I was using tools on the job, i had to buy my own. Being a tightwad, I was very particular to take very good care of them. Had all types from standard hand tools to very specialized tools. Only bought the best I could find and was always glad I did. I admit I don't always buy the absolute best available now that I am retired, but I won't buy crap either. Still take care with them though. I used to cringe watching people use tools for a purpose they were never intended for. Almost always ended in personal injury/ tool damage/messed up parts. 

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  4. Having done some farming in my younger days, I understand why the farm machinery was super nova. People don't think about the massive size and parts that hang out from such things. I have almost been killed by idiots that think they own the road and refuse to slow down or pull further over. If I was at a place I could, I would pull the farm equipment over till they got past, but conditions don't always allow that. It is a form of self preservation. For people with good sense I'm sorry for the light, but like so many things, it is necessary to prepare for the worst and hope for the best. As far as headlights, most are tolerable if aimed correctly. (and not on high beam) Problems occur when they are not aimed right or are out because of a load of anvils, etc. in the rear of the vehicle. (unless it is self leveling, which I think all vehicles should be for this very reason) 

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  5. OK, got it now. I assume, if people make me an uncoerced offer, that they are comfortable with it. I would have no trouble accepting. He obviously knows you are having to make a long trip and do a lot of work. If you have trouble accepting such offers from family, then I can offer no advice. 

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