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Posts posted by rees332

  1. Samsung is profit is down 30% over last year and they have been down for the seventh straight quarter. They are a perfect example of flooding the market with too many cheap sku's with overhyped features no one really needs. Marketing only works for so long.

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

    every body profit been down in the last 7 years we been in a recession the economy been struggling

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

  2. Every week Milwaukee is offering a free something-or-other. The margins would probably make us cry.

    If you notice the pricing trend with Milwaukee, the costs have been slowly going up. When fuel launched they were more expensive than m18. Justifiable and worthwhile imo. The regular M18 is being phased out and replaced with compact brushless, with increased retails. Brushless should cost less. Less parts, less raw materials etc.

    the 2nd gen fuel costs more, the higher capacity batteries cost more (which should only be a few dollars, not $50) and this new app key costs more. The trend is very common these days, charge more by packing in "features" no one cares about. Just ask Samsung how that is working out for them!

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

    its working very nice for Samsung because they make 6,500 dollars a second, every 5 minutes they make 2 million dollars I say they doing just fine, milwaukee are covering all bases they trying to cover everything that's why they out selling the competition by a large margin

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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