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Posts posted by mustang347

  1. Regional Maintenance manager for a large chemical company. We do everything from general construction to lighting to fabrication. I have two guys on PM'S pretty much full time. We service the Midwest and at times any plant the need us across the US.

  2. Do you use the whole screw driver and nut driver sets? My OCD likes the idea of having the whole sets but when I actually think of what I actually grab for 95% of the time it is klien 11in1 the other 5% is split between bits (used with Wera kompakt or Malco ratcheting) and two klien hollow (1/4, 5/16) nut drivers.


    Is it worth the extra weight and space?

    I have 1/4, 5/16 and 3/8 in both hollow and magnetic. The rest of them are from the hollow set. I don't use the rest of the set as much as I do the main 3. I just hate being up on a roof top or on a lift or three blocks from my truck and need one of the other ones. I don't have any nut drivers in my TP 4 "troubleshooting" bag. I utilize a Klein 11-1.

    Congrats on your Veto Pro purchase you'll love it.

  3. Now THAT'S a stocked tool bag, it must weigh almost 50lbs?

    LOL, it's not that bad. However it's kind of funny there's at least 10 scales per plant that I service and I have never weighed it..... I'm thinking about running out to pickup the Veto Pro backpack this morning and then thinning out the heard if I can. I just hate running back to the truck and I work in an environment where down time is costly and the truck at times can be really far away from where I'm working. There's no gas vehicles allowed near any area we fill anything due to the possibility of vapors igniting and causing an explosion.

  4. OK, who else is fighting the urge to buy an RC car after watching today's tool talk. Thanks, Dan!!! Like I need another thing to want to buy....

    I was laughing my ass off when he said they aren't Hornets anymore. I had one I built when I was like 14......

  5. This is a teaser of sorts I guess....... I don't have time tonight to pull everything out to get group shots. I wanted to get in on the fun! I'll pull everything apart in the next few days.

    The Veto TP-4 is my "troubleshooting bag" and grab that first on any initial trouble call. If it's a big job I head back for the LC and whatever else I need.post-296-0-41494600-1400299104_thumb.jpgpost-296-0-76239700-1400299117_thumb.jpgpost-296-0-71734100-1400299132_thumb.jpgpost-296-0-06572900-1400299159_thumb.jpg

  6. i have a bunch of vetos bags and you can't go wrong. My main bag is in LC and it is constantly getting beat up and shows no real signs of wear. True they are a little pricey but the are a well built bag. I think you will be really happy with that purchase.

  7. i got a pleasant surprise yesterday. TIA stickers and there awesome!!! Thanks Dan and Eric. Now if it would just stop raining in Chicago I get them on something. My wife saw them on my desk at home and said I get one of those right......



  8. I really like the idea of TIA app. Things like a cut calculator where it figures out how to get the most pieces for a project out of a given size of stock like a sheet of 4x8 ply or a lite construction calculator.

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