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Everything posted by sparky603

  1. I have this one. It's pretty sweet! Also 5 corded - 2 SDS, 1 spline and 2 SDS-Max. With this one, now only the large corded get used. Those and my PVC hot box are the only things I need a cord for nowadays, work-wise.
  2. Yes, the 5817 Medium Open Face Tool Organizer. Just looking at it on Amazon now, it's currently less than $25 more than the Milw Tech.
  3. Here's what I rock as my main bag, after 3+ years of full-time abuse. I don't see it needing a replacement anytime soon. Well, other than maybe because I have a sickness, lol.
  4. Yeah, I get lots of those - things like "Free shipping to Honduras?", or comments on their pricing and the like. They really should filter out the questions that clearly only customer service could answer. I must get like 10 tool questions a day sent to me on average, and probably half are things I couldn't have an answer for.
  5. Sure is. It's pretty sweet looking, if you're into the red. It's rather tall, to accommodate the laptop, and since I don't take a laptop to work, that's whole side is all lost tool space. Would like to see them come out with a couple of similar quality, but strictly for tools.
  6. No, it's not quite a Veto, or the Ergodyne bags I have, but it's also significantly less expensive. I won this at the local lumber yard's picnic yesterday, so no complaints!
  7. Thought about maybe trying the Chiseldrivers, but the deal price didn't look to be more than a dollar or so less than Toolbarn's regular price.
  8. The mini bolt cutters are pricey, but pretty awesome. I got them for my main bag, to get away from using my expensive lineman's or diagonals for cutting anything other than conductors. My pliers are all Klein or Ideal, but I do rock their 9-1/2" lineman's.
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