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Posts posted by madman_us

  1. went tonight to homedepot to pick up some electrical stuff.

    my hands were completely full with electrical boxes, light switches, spade bit extension and i was still looking for a different light switch.

    all the sudden someone start talk in the back of me about solar panels, then he walked around me and was standing right next to me.

    i know he was talking to me because i was the only fu**cking guy in the whole HD i felt like.

    i keep starring at the light switches to figure out which one i wanted to buy and that guy talks since 5mins non stop about their program. during that time i didnt make any eye contact at all with him.

    then he asked me, if i know what kinda roof i have.

    i told him it doesnt matter what kinda roof i have, i know that you can install solar panels on it.

    he kept going and was telling me fu** about different roof types like cement shingles bla bla.

    by that time i found the right light switch - man those 4-way switches are pricy; 14 bucks a piece.

    so and his last question was; are you interested in our solar panels.

    then i asked him just one important question - while leasing your solar panels who gets the 30% federal tax credit. he started to stutter and i think i understood, we do - :D :D

    i appreciated his answer and for fu**ing waste my shopping time. then i just walked away. 

    man that made my day with those annoying solarcity people bugging every customer in homedepot

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