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Posts posted by Duns221

  1. Carhartt coats are the best coats I have ever tried. For hats I have a bomber hat(just imagine a Russian winter hat), the think looks stupid but it's warm as Hell!

    a family friend works for carhartt so i get there employee discount

  2. Well BK, I figure I'm going to freeze my tail off for the next five months while your sitting back drinking the best Coffee and beer in the world!!!! FESTOOL FESTOOL FESTOOL FESTOOL FESTOOL FESTOOL FESTOOL FESTOOL FESTOOOOOOOOOLLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!

    mmm no, michigan has the best beer

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  3. I still remember the moment when I saw the video of him putting his own finger against a saw stop blade I have seen sleeping snails move faster, I feel like the best way to express the only way I would trust the guy is in the wise words of my good woodworking friend after he saw the video.


    "So what he touched it with his finger the same speed that a sloth moves, I wont buy one until he cock slaps it while hanging out of a window of a Ferrari at 150 Miles per a hour."

    i thought the same thing his finger was very slow, unlike how it would be during a table saw accident

  4. i want to do that but to the base of my shower, i have loved base lighting ever since some james bond movie that had collered lights around the tub



    it might have been mission impossible, but still really great job

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