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Posts posted by RedSionnach

  1. We get a lot of people that hit the forum for some help and then bail. I get it but it kinda sucks it makes me feel used :)

    It would be nice to get an update from some of them.

    Edit: I just realized this made me sound like a chick sitting by the phone waiting for her date to call. lol

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  2. After reading the article, I can understand what they're trying to do; trying to create a standard to measure the power/ work load of a drill. It doesn't matter if you have 5000ft•lbs of torque if your drill only moves at 10 rpms, nor if you you have 5000rpm but only 10ft•lbs of torque it's gonna take you a long time to do work.

    Torque and rpm are such ingrained ratings and selling points, it's doubtful that anyone else is going to move away from them anytime soon. Maybe if Dewalt had left the torque and rpm with an equation to UWO it wouldn't have created such mistrust.

  3. Unfortunately a lot of this kind of crap happens on the web. I've seen whole blogs copied. They slap a new logo and a different by line and poof instant blog with out all that pesky work and knowledge stuff.

    It's not much solace but at least you got credit.

  4. It's people like him that keep me away from owners group forums. I want neither a company mans nor zealotous fanboys "opinion". Most everybody has their favorite brand, and will develop a certain amount of loyalty to that company based on their experiences. ALL companies have have their pros and cons, folks that are extreme in their brand loyalty are blinded to this fact and deny themselves better products for their narrow mind.

    I happen to like Dan and Erics videos because of the banter and goofing off. They act like normal guys, just a couple of buddies telling you their opinion. Are they the most technologically indepth? No. Do they script out a review? No. We've all seen and read reviews that are obviously paid for. Do Eric and Dan come off like that? No. They're all over the place, which I doubt any company would pay much for. Keep it real guys.

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  5. Speaking of strange tool names, we had one of these in autobody class. They're called morgan knockers, it's a weighted slide for a slide hammer. Herbst always told us they used his wife as a model so we shouldn't fondle them or he'd have a problem. lol He was more of a class clown than any of the students.

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