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Posts posted by RedSionnach

  1. I think most of the problem lies with our education system. Even when I was in school, much of the propaganda that kids are fed is that everybody can be the boss, a CEO, the president. That with "the right" education they will never have to do physical labor. They fail to tell kids that someone still has to do the actual work, that there are more people building the cars, offices, drilling the wells, harvesting the raw materials, than there are overpaid CEOs.

    When some of these folks hit the real world, after paying for or going into debt for "the right" education, they find out those jobs are mostly non-existant. Some have the attitude that they basically paid for that dream job, and dont want to "settle" for anything below them.

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  2. Didn't mean to come off like I was hackin on your hills. Just a different perspective I suppose.

    I've noticed, over the years, how proud of their hills some Floridians are. At least you don't have to worry about landslides, avalanches, rockslides, and pass closures.

    I haven't ridden a bicycle in years. I'd probably ruin my training wheels going down that slope.

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