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Posts posted by ChrisK

  1. I am wondering the same as far as the brush less. The torque and speed is incredible and I won't argue with you Wayne about the merits of the four pole motor and both Milwaukee and Makita tools in the 18v line are 4 pole. The thing is, and correct me if I'm wrong but clearly to me the benefit is the prolonged battery life from the brush less. So my question echoes Conductor in that why not brush less? Clearly Makita can put some power (more so than the Milwaukee non brush less) by they have the technology to do brush less. On top of that the light duty hammer they have is clearly the loser in pretty much EVERY power test. The one thing I felt that Makita has is the comfort and weight of the tools. MAKITA!!! WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU DOING??!!??!! EXPAND THE 12V LINE! GO BRUSHLESS!

  2. Yeah. They don't have it at my HD yet and truthfully with my winning that Hitachi I cannot see buying it but I have to admit that 4 pole motor is spinning at 2000 rpms and putting out over 700" lbs torque for a min brush less. Maybe Makita has removed their heads out of their hind quarters? At least till they get on the 12v bandwagon!

  3. Oh I hear ya! So I just watched a video of the Makita LXPH03 on YouTube. The guy used three different sized masonry bits the last line looked like a huge bit. Really impressive! I have to try my Hitachi out using a similar test because the last bit looked like a 1/2" bit and it actually did a good job. I'm sure my Hitachi will do better but I hate to admit it but the Makita really impressed!

  4. Mine has never carried Hilt I either. I can get Bosch hammer drills, routers and a planer. PC has a router and some accessories but that is it. Saws for both makes no. Cordless for both, no. And when the heck is the M12 Fuel line coming out!?!?!?

  5. Speaking of store brand power tools, it didn't take Kobalt long to cool off. Haven't heard anything about them for a while now.

    You know that is a good point too Conductor...my Lowes was really pushing the product and then they kind of took the end cap displays out and started marking the prices way down. I see PC, Dewalt, Hitachi and Bosch end cap displays but the Kobalt stuff is buried in the cordless tool aisle. I know TiA did a review of their drill compared to HD's (I think Ridgid is way better) and the overall impression was good but the product push seemed to just peter out.

  6. Yeah, I'm with Conductor in that. For instance the M12 Milwaukee Hammer and Drill driver do have a size difference and weight, not much but when you hold the two drills side by side the hammer is slightly longer. Personally, the size difference is so small I went with the hammer, the function is awesome and although I have an 18v hammer why not have a 12v too? However, my 12v is mostly for assemble work and using the Kreg jig so I could see why people might not want the hammer. I think in the end, having two options boils down to selling. They can mark the other tool for a minuscule amount and people think they are getting a deal.

  7. I like Makita LXT tools but...just pick up an M18 impact (not even the brush less version). The tool is solid. The quality is there in both ,machines but the Milwaukee seems tougher. Metal chucks on the light weight drills, metal shrouds, four pole motors (Makita too) just seem better

  8. Yeah that is true. You would think that expanding a line that is more budget friendly than their 18v lxt line for homeowners and contractors would be a sure thing. Dewalt finally jumped on the band wagon with their 12v line and it seems to be expanding rather quickly. The M12 line is such a diverse line for EVERYONE. I've got the multi tool and rotary that are incredible tools that even I a diy type get great use of. So only time will tell but even look to Bosch and their ever expanding line and you have to wonder why! Another question, will Ridgid get on the ball too? I know they have that multi head tool but some solid single use performers seem to be what is popular.

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