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Posts posted by Nordraw

  1. Panasonic makes the best plasma TV's by far if you are in to that. Not too many manufacturers making plasma anymore but they have the better picture by far. Get the biggest TV you can afford I would say no matter what you get. 

  2. Went into Home Depot yesterday to get filters for the heater and came out with filters and a new Husky silver tool chest. For 99 bucks it seemed like a great deal and it was. Even though it took 20 minutes for them to find one in the back and get a fork lift and set it down. They said they were for the Black Friday deals on sale early so it was worth the wait. Not that I really needed a new box but like my girl friend has about 30 purses I have 8 tool boxes in my garage. What are you going to do?



  3. That's tough, can't say I haven't been there myself. It's a hard thing to overcome but as they say time heals all wounds and it pretty much does. By this time next year your life will be good and you will be healed and in a better place and you will be thinking "how did I ever get in that mess". Good luck, and it will all work out for you.

  4. That's the issue with any battery operated tool. How long the batteries last. Because that is how they get you, with new batteries that have to be purchased. Like razors they will just about give you the razor then it's an arm and a leg for the blades. I feel if a battery gets a lot of use and lasts 2 years then you can't complain too much. Any less then that and you have been taken. Anyway, it was a bad statement by the Ryobi rep and makes them look bad. You should send that to the head office and see how they respond. Might get a discount on a new battery or something.

  5. Cool, let us know how you like it. I'm looking at buying either that one or the new Roku3 or Roku3 , What I have always wondered was are they better at streaming then the ones that come with smart TV's or Blu Ray's or even my AV Receiver has that capability. Anyway nice new toy, let us know how it works.

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