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Posts posted by Nordraw

  1. Well here it is Labor day 2015. Hope everyone has a great day and great BBQ. We did it yesterday because some of us had to work today. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! 

    Anyway with no further ado here is the winner of the Labor Day Give Away!   ................................         ***rfwjr88  ****  Congrats and send me your address in a PM and I will get those to you.

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  2. Nice that you didn't have to build it. Even though it might be fun to do it yourself.  We got one that included delivery and putting it together. Took the guy about 10 hours to do it working alone.

  3. Well, I have won a couple of things since I starting hanging out here and following the lead of Kruton and a few others I decided it was my turn to give back. Since it's Labor Day coming up I am having a "Labor Day Give Away" There will be one winner and it will be announced on Monday. Good Luck and good grilling.






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