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Samuel L.

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Posts posted by Samuel L.

  1. The one thing I wished we had is a small spray booth. We don't do a whole lot of finishing, but it would be nice to have a spot dedicated for it to keep the dust out of.


    Wait what kind of spray booth are you talking about the only kind I know of are automotive ones

  2. i prolly order something, maybe we can order it via Samual and he gonna ship it for us in 1 package to save shipping costs.

    what you think NER & Sam


    You can buddy your order up with each other but I am on a really tight leash right now so I have to do everything just right 

  3. Oops! That's stepping on your weenie in golf spikes!

    I prefer the HP calculators, myself. HP 15c, 33, 35, 48, and 50. Once I learned RPN I have a hard time with normal calculators now. Something about old dogs/new tricks.


    Well high school math requires a TI-83 or a TI-84 where I live so I got really good at using mine and would have to say it is very good for solving complicated questions like the measurements of a perfect ark 

  4. My most recent picture of myself :)



    Digging the poster of the TI-84 Plus Silver Edition.

    I personally use the older TI-83 Plus witch is a little slower but still really good.



    I'm not criticizing I'm just saying. As for being a surveyor I give up all the props. I took a basic surveying class last spring and it push my math skills to the limit. We had to use the transit not the total station. Anybody that thinks being a surveyor is a easy job is dead wrong. People just see the guy standing there holding the rod and thinking how easy that job is. 


    There was a house built down the street from where I live and it was built 5 feet closer to the curb then it was supposed to be making it so it broke some rule about houses having to be so far back from the sidewalk so you don't have houses that have the front door opening on the side walk or something, but anyway the whole thing was ripped down right after they started to put the plywood on the framing and they rebuilt the whole thing 5 feet back but guess who took the blame and got fired that's right the surveyor.

  5. you have to put some of the blame on marketing, I know a dozen and a half women alone that might think this thing would be a cat's ass for their husbands. and I know another 2 dozen guys that would think this all they need around the house. I have some buddies that have ZERO% experience with any kind of tools, aside from a screwdriver.........this company is not trying to sell to the seasoned woodworker 


    Yea my friends have no idea how to use anything, one of them is so bad he managed to screw up using a air drill how hard an it be.

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