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Everything posted by Conductor562

  1. I don't know what the call it, but it looks like a 3/4 circle. They are nice pliers though. I carry them in my grip. Rarely have a need for them unless I run into a bad train line gasket or on the rare occasion I have a caboose and want to hook up my whistle.
  2. I tried to post a pick but it doesn't look like it's working.
  3. These are what I'm looking for. I already have the side cutters, but nothing else.
  4. Harbor Freight should receive some sort of engineering commendation. No one on earth has displayed such masterful skill in cheapening up things in ways previously thought impossible. Harbor Freight has redefined the very meaning of "junky piece of shit". If they'd have spent half the time they devoted to ruining shit to making quality stuff we'd be years ahead of where we are. I've bought lots of things there thinking "there is no way they can screw this up" only to find out how totally wrong I was. I bought a rubber mallet there once thinking that even a lesser grade of tool could suffice when we're talking about a chuck of rubber on a stick. Wrong! It crumbled after 4 or 5 uses. Wire brushes, won't even waste my breath. Even water hose gaskets. How in the name of Christ does one go about screwing up a small rubber ring? When I look over and see the picture of the manager on the wall I can't help but think of how ashamed his father must be. I have a moral conflict with going as far as calling what harbor freight sells "tools". I feel awful buying their "tools" for my 3 year old boys to play with even though I know it'll be left in the yard anyway. I'll hit it with the lawn mower and put it out of its inferior misery and I'll know that the world is a better place for its sacrifice.
  5. I live in a little town of about 2,500 people right in the middle between Charleston and Huntington (35 minutes to either) but these hills aren't to swell for radio reception, or any reception for that matter.
  6. When you go to Milwaukee HQ sneak in the back room and see if they're working on a table saw. I'm looking to replace my $149 B&D special about next spring. I'm looking at the Makita contractor saw and the Bosch 4100, but I'd wait and give the red team first look.
  7. Will do. The old lady asked what I wanted for fathers day. I showed her the saw and emailed her a link to it at toolbarn.com so I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
  8. Conductor562


    I know it man. I'm really digging all these British sayings.
  9. HaHaHaHa! I learned basic carpentry with the same damn Craftsman jig saw with the turntable shaft. Son of a bitch wasn't worth it's weight in scrap. Ah, memories.
  10. Well, there are 2 that really compete for the top spot. I was in a pinch and needed a compound miter saw. I'd spent all my extra cash on the remodeling project I was in so dropping $300 or more on a nice one wasn't really an option. When in the market for a cheap solution where does one turn other than harbor freight. Big mistake! The son of a bitch was awful! It mitered at +/- 7 degrees and when utilizing the slide feature I'm reasonably sure one could cut straighter with a coping saw. I can't comment on its longevity because I ended giving the son of a bitch away and thankfully haven't seen nor heard of it since. It was a fine piece of equipment. Built to the same tolerances as notebook paper. Being one to not learn my lesson, I purchased an 8" bench grinder from harbor freight not long after that. With the coupon I had I ended up with just over $30 in it. I figured what the hell, I seldom use one anyway, no need to spend the extra money for something I'm only going to use once a month anyway. Once again I would live to see the error of my ways. Within a couple days of buying it we found a house for sale that we liked. We made an offer on it a few months prior but the people who outbid us had their loan fall through so it was ours if we wanted it. We bought the house so there was no sense installing it on my bench at the old house. By the time we moved and I got around to building a new bench in the new garage I'd had this grinder for 7 months or more. I set it on the bench, drilled the holes and mounted it, plugged it in, turned it on, and before it even got up to full speed a puff of smoke rolled out the bottom and it was dead. That's right, less than one use and the God damned thing just died! Out, like disco. I unbolted it and threw it in the brush across the railroad tracks and went to HD and bought a Ryobi. I've used it probably 50 times so far which makes it 50 times and counting better than the other one. I have not purchased a tool from Harbor Freight since. I figured out right then that it's better to pay a lot once than a little 15 times.
  11. I've got a couple pairs of Proto pliers and a set of Knipex t&g's and while they're good quality pliers, I wouldn't trade my Channellock pliers for them. The only complaint I have is that their bent needle nose model 386 (the only bent model they make) is a bit to bulky at the tips to be effective in many situations. The Proto equivilant that I have are much thinner and easier to manage in tight spots. The trade off is obviously durability as I'm on my 2nd pair of Proto's. Can't beat Channellock's, quality tools still made stateside in Meadville, PA
  12. Awesome! When I didn't find them listed as a current model on the Channellock website I figured my only shot was eBay. Thanks.
  13. You may be right about the Sand Cat. I never fooled with it much. All I know for sure is that it's been hanging in my dad's garage for as long as I can remember. He got it from my grandpa before he died and he's been dead almost 25 years. It was somewhat old when he got it so it's got to be 30 years old anyway.
  14. Well, yes and no. I'm primarily looking for long needle nose and flat nose.
  15. I was just about ready to order a set and my uncle hooked me up with a Lowe's gift card so I ended up getting the 10 or 12 blade Rockwell starter set. I had to pay like $20 extra but it was still my cheapest option. The Rockwell blades seem to hold up ok, but being my first foray into the multi-tool kingdom I don't have much to compare it to. I think I'll give Fitzall a try next time.
  16. I was eyeing the Makita model as well, but there's nothing that sets it apart from the Milwaukee to enough of a point to make me go Makita. It does have an LED light while the Milwaukee doesn't, but the Milwaukee has more orbital settings and While they both run about $175 I found the Milwaukee on sale for $150. I looked at the Ridgid version but I wasn't crazy about how it felt in my hand and at 3 amps it seems a little underpowered for a corded saw.
  17. I have a thing for Channellock pliers. I have 21 different pairs of them. The only pliers I own that aren't Channellock brand are the mini pliers. I know they use to make them as I have a pair of 4" side cutters that best I can tell are model #41. I'd like to have a set of these mini pliers because the sea of blue on my peg board looks a little off with the kobalt set I have mixed in there. Anyone know anything about these? Do they still make them? Doesn't appear that they do. I've watched ebay to no avail. Anyone run across any anywhere?
  18. B&D used to make some tough tools. My dad still has an orange B&D hammer drill from the late 70's and a Sand Cat that's probably close to that old. Once they started producing shit under the Dewalt name it was game over for the B&D line. Porter Cable is headed that way too.
  19. I've heard nothing but good things about the M12 radio. I've got the M18. The sound quality is awesome but at certain places in my garage it has some reception issues. It's my understanding the M12 has great reception though. Eric, Didn't you guys review the M12?
  20. Any one used any multi-tool blades from Fitzall Blades? Prices are good. http://fitzallblades.com/
  21. The jig saw would surely do AT LEAST 2 sink cutouts with an XC battery and if I remember right Milwaukee claims 3. The battery life really is better than you think. I use the compact batteries because the give the handle a nice, flush, unrestricted feel, and I have 4 of them. A lot of what I use it for is building primitive furniture a decorative stuff using 1X's. I've also used it cutting out air vents, aluminum thresholds, and other similar chores. I've made a few 2X cuts with it but not enough to give a real report. You aren't going to be fling through 2X's with it, but if your looking to fly through 2X's you wouldn't be using a jig saw. It's not for every job, but I don't remember the last time I used my chorded model. If you already owned an electric body grip model it might be a little harder for the M12 to find it's niche in your line-up, but versus a standard top handle, no comparison. The rotary tool is compatable with all Dremel accessories. Milwaukee doesn't even make rotary tool accessories. I still buy the Dremel stuff so no worries there. I use mine mostly for rust/corrosion removal and as a light duty cut off tool.
  22. Don't get the wrong idea, my Dad hated Elmer Fike. So much so he once went to a parade Fike was supposed to be at in hopes of having an oppratunity to stomp him into the pavement. The guys like my dad and grandpa were often given false information or no information at all about the effects of the chemicals they worked with. I blame Elmer Fike for my Grandpa's premature death as well as others. This is a classic example of the EPA being useful, even essential, but the coal industry is an entirely different situation.
  23. This Los Angeles Times article from 1988 confirms a lot of what I'm talking about. http://articles.latimes.com/1988-12-18/news/mn-852_1_environmental-protection-agency
  24. Every meal I've ever ate, every stitch of clothing I've ever worn, any basically everything I've ever owned was bought with paychecks wrote by some company the EPA hates, same goes for my mom and dad and their moms and their dads. Maybe in the end the enviromentalist will win, but it won't be on account of the 2 little insignificant electoral votes in West Virginia.
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